§ 2.112 - Time allowed for issuance of initial determination.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, not later than the tenth working day after the date of receipt by a Freedom of Information Office of a request for records, the EPA office responsible for responding to the request shall issue a written determination to the requestor stating which of the requested records will, and which will not, be released and the reason for any denial of a request. If the records are not known to exist or are not in EPA's possession, the EPA office shall so inform the requestor. To the extent requested records which are in EPA's possession are published by the Federal Government, the response may inform the requestor that the records are available for inspection and where copies can be obtained.

    (b) The period of 10 working days shall be measured from the date the request is first received and logged in by the Headquarters or regional Freedom of Information Office.

    (c) There shall be excluded from the period of 10 working days (or any extension thereof) any time which elapses between the date that a requestor is notified by EPA under § 2.109 that his request does not reasonably identify the records sought, and the date that the requestor furnishes a reasonable identification.

    (d) There shall be excluded from the period of 10 working days (or any extension thereof) any time which elapses between the date that a requestor is notified by EPA under § 2.120 that prepayment or assurance of payment of fees is required, and the date that the requestor pays (or makes suitable arrangements to pay) such charges.

    (e) The EPA office taking action under § 2.111, after notifying the appropriate Freedom of Information Office, may extend the basic 10-day period established under subsection (a) of this section by a period not to exceed 10 additional working days, by furnishing written notice to the requestor within the basic 10-day period stating the reasons for such extension and the date by which the office expects to be able to issue a determination. The period may be so extended only when absolutely necessary, only for the period required, and only when one or more of the following unusual circumstances require the extension:

    (1) There is a need to search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from the office processing the request:

    (2) There is a need to search for, collect, and appropriately examine a voluminous amount of separate and distinct records which are demanded in a single request; or

    (3) There is a need for consultation, which shall be conducted with all practicable speed, with another agency having a substantial interest in the determination of the request or among two or more components of EPA.

    (f) Failure of EPA to issue a determination within the 10-day period or any authorized extension shall constitute final agency action which authorizes the requestor to commence an action in an appropriate Federal district court to obtain the records.