§ 471.71 - Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT).  

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  • § 471.71 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT).

    Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart must achieve the following effluent limitations for the process operations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best praticable control technology currently available (BPT):

    (a) Extrusion spent lubricants - subpart G - BPT. There shall be no discharge process wastewater pollutants.

    (b) Extrusion tool contact cooling water.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium extruded
    Cadium 0.117 0.052
    Chromium 0.152 0.062
    Copper 0.654 0.344
    Lead 0.145 0.069
    Nickel 0.661 0.437
    Fluoride 20.5 9.08
    Molybdenum 2.28 1.18
    Oil and grease 6.88 4.13
    TSS 14.1 6.71
    pH (1) (1)

    (c) Heat treatment contact cooling water.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of extruded or forged uranium heat treated
    Cadium 0.646 0.285
    Chromium 0.836 0.342
    Copper 3.61 1.90
    Lead 0.798 0.380
    Nickel 3.65 2.42
    Fluoride 113 50.2
    Molybdenum 12.6 6.5
    Oil and grease 38 22.8
    TSS 77.9 37.1
    pH (1) (1)

    (d) Forging spent lubricants - subpart G - BPT. There shall be no discharge of process wastewater pollutants.

    (e) Surface treatment spent baths.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium surface treated
    Cadmium 0.010 0.004
    Chromium 0.012 0.005
    Copper 0.052 0.027
    Lead 0.012 0.006
    Nickel 0.052 0.035
    Fluoride 1.62 0.718
    Molybdenum 0.180 0.093
    Oil and grease 0.544 0.327
    TSS 1.12 0.531
    pH (1) (1)

    (f) Surface treatment rinse.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium surface treated
    Cadmium 0.115 0.050
    Chromium 0.149 0.061
    Copper 0.641 0.337
    Lead 0.142 0.068
    Nickel 0.647 0.428
    Fluoride 20.1 8.90
    Molybdenum 2.23 1.16
    Oil and grease 6.74 4.05
    TSS 13.8 6.57
    pH (1) (1)

    (g) Wet air pollution control scrubber blowdown.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium surface treated
    Cadmium 0.00 0.0006
    Chromium 0.002 0.0007
    Copper 0.007 0.004
    Lead 0.002 0.0007
    Nickel 0.007 0.005
    Fluoride 0.208 0.092
    Molybdenum 0.023 0.012
    Oil and grease 0.070 0.042
    TSS 0.143 0.068
    pH (1) (1)

    (h) Sawing or grinding spent emulsions.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium sawed or ground with emulsions
    Cadmium 0.002 0.0009
    Chromium 0.003 0.001
    Copper 0.011 0.006
    Lead 0.003 0.001
    Nickel 0.011 0.007
    Fluoride 0.338 0.150
    Molybdenum 0.038 0.020
    Oil and grease 0.114 0.068
    TSS 0.233 0.111
    pH (1) (1)

    (i) Sawing or grinding contact cooling water.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium sawed or ground with contact cooling ater
    Cadmium 0.561 0.248
    Chromium 0.726 0.297
    Copper 3.14 1.65
    Lead 0.693 0.330
    Nickel 3.17 2.1
    Fluoride 98.2 43.6
    Molybdenum 10.9 5.65
    Oil and grease 33.0 19.8
    TSS 67.7 32.2
    pH (1) (1)

    (j) Sawing or grinding rinse.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of sawed or ground uranium rinses
    Cadmium 0.002 0.0007
    Chromium 0.002 0.0009
    Copper 0.009 0.005
    Lead 0.002 0.001
    Nickel 0.009 0.006
    Fluoride 0.277 0.123
    Molybdenum 0.031 0.016
    Oil and grease 0.093 0.056
    TSS 0.191 0.091
    pH (1) (1)

    (k) Area cleaning rinse.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium formed
    Cadmium 0.015 0.007
    Chromium 0.019 0.008
    Copper 0.082 0.043
    Lead 0.018 0.009
    Nickel 0.083 0.055
    Fluoride 2.56 1.14
    Molybdenum 0.284 0.147
    Oil and grease 0.858 0.515
    TSS 1.76 0.837
    pH (1) (1)

    (l) Drum washwater.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/off-kg (pounds per million off-pounds) of uranium formed
    Cadmium 0.015 0.007
    Chromium 0.020 0.008
    Copper 0.084 0.045
    Lead 0.019 0.009
    Nickel 0.085 0.057
    Fluoride 2.64 1.17
    Molybdenum 0.293 0.152
    Oil and grease 0.886 0.532
    TSS 1.82 0.864
    pH (1) (1)

    (m) Laundry washwater.

    Subpart G - BPT

    Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for any 1 day Maximum for monthly average
    mg/employee - day
    Cadmium 17.8 7.86
    Chromium 23.1 9.43
    Copper 99.6 52.4
    Lead 22.0 10.5
    Nickel 101 66.6
    Fluoride 3,120 1,390
    Molybdenum 347 179
    Oil and grease 1,050 629
    TSS 2,150 1,020
    pH (1) (1)

    (n) Degreasing spent solvents - subpart G - BPT. There shall be no discharge of process wastewater pollutants.

    [50 FR 34270, Aug. 23, 1985; 51 FR 2888, Jan. 22, 1986]