§ 51.396 - Implementation plan revision.  

Latest version.
  • (a) States with areas subject to this rule must submit to the EPA and DOT a revision to their implementation plan which contains criteria and procedures for DOT, MPOs and other State or local agencies to assess the conformity of transportation plans, programs, and projects, consistent with these regulations. This revision is to be submitted by November 25, 1994 (or within 12 months of an area's redesignation from attainment to nonattainment, if the State has not previously submitted such a revision). Further revisions to the implementation plan required by amendments to this subpart must be submitted within 12 months of the date of publication of such final amendments to this subpart. EPA will provide DOT with a 30-day comment period before taking action to approve or disapprove the submission. A State's conformity provisions may contain criteria and procedures more stringent than the requirements described in these regulations only if the State's conformity provisions apply equally to non-federal as well as Federal entities.

    (b) The Federal conformity rules under this subpart and 40 CFR part 93, in addition to any existing applicable State requirements, establish the conformity criteria and procedures necessary to meet the requirements of Clean Air Act section 176(c) until such time as the required conformity implementation plan revision is approved by EPA. Following EPA approval of the State conformity provisions (or a portion thereof) in a revision to the applicable implementation plan, the approved (or approved portion of the) State criteria and procedures would govern conformity determinations and the Federal conformity regulations contained in 40 CFR part 93 would apply only for the portion, if any, of the State's conformity provisions that is not approved by EPA. In addition, any previously applicable implementation plan requirements relating to conformity remain enforceable until the State revises its applicable implementation plan to specifically remove them and that revision is approved by EPA.

    (c) To be approvable by EPA, the implementation plan revision submitted to EPA and DOT under this section shall address all requirements of this subpart in a manner which gives them full legal effect. In particular, the revision shall incorporate the provisions of the following sections of this subpart in verbatim form, except insofar as needed to give effect to a stated intent in the revision to establish criteria and procedures more stringent than the requirements stated in these sections: §§ 51.392, 51.394, 51.398, 51.400, 51.404, 51.410, 51.412, 51.414, 51.416, 51.418, 51.420, 51.422, 51.424, 51.426, 51.428, 51.430, 51.432, 51.434, 51.436, 51.438, 51.440, 51.442, 51.444, 51.446, 51.448, 51.450, 51.460, and 51.462.