§ 60.2910 - What site-specific documentation is required?  

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  • § 60.2910 What site-specific documentation is required?

    (a) Documentation must be available at the facility and readily accessible for all OSWI unit operators that addresses the nine topics described in paragraphs (a)(1) through (9) of this section. You must maintain this information and the training records required by paragraph (c) of this section in a manner that they can be readily accessed and are suitable for inspection upon request.

    (1) Summary of the applicable standards under this subpart.

    (2) Procedures for receiving, handling, and charging waste.

    (3) Incinerator startup, shutdown, and malfunction procedures.

    (4) Procedures for maintaining proper combustion air supply levels.

    (5) Procedures for operating the incinerator and associated air pollution control systems within the standards established under this subpart.

    (6) Monitoring procedures for demonstrating compliance with the operating limits established under this subpart.

    (7) Reporting and recordkeeping procedures.

    (8) The waste management plan required under §§ 60.2899 through 60.2901.

    (9) Procedures for handling ash.

    (b) You must establish a program for reviewing the information listed in paragraph (a) of this section with each incinerator operator.

    (1) The initial review of the information listed in paragraph (a) of this section must be conducted by December 18, 2006 or prior to an employee's assumption of responsibilities for operation of the OSWI unit, whichever date is later.

    (2) Subsequent annual reviews of the information listed in paragraph (a) of this section must be conducted not later than 12 months following the previous review.

    (c) You must also maintain the information specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.

    (1) Records showing the names of OSWI unit operators who have completed review of the information in paragraph (a) of this section as required by paragraph (b) of this section, including the date of the initial review and all subsequent annual reviews.

    (2) Records showing the names of the OSWI unit operators who have completed the operator training requirements under § 60.2905, met the criteria for qualification under § 60.2907, and maintained or renewed their qualification under § 60.2908 or § 60.2909. Records must include documentation of training, the dates of the initial and refresher training, and the dates of their qualification and all subsequent renewals of such qualifications.

    (3) For each qualified operator, the phone and/or pager number at which they can be reached during operating hours.