§ 60.5790 - What must I do to meet my plan obligations?

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  • § 60.5790 What must I do to meet my plan obligations?

    (a) To meet your plan obligations, you must demonstrate that your affected EGUs are complying with their emission standards as specified in § 60.5740, and you must demonstrate that the emission standards on affected EGUs, alone or in conjunction with any State measures, are resulting in achievement of the CO2 emission performance rates or statewide CO2 emission goals by affected EGUs using the procedures in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section. If your plan requires the use of allowances for your affected EGUs to comply with their mass-based emission standards, you must follow the requirements under paragraph (b) of this section and § 60.5830. If your plan requires the use of ERCs for your affected EGUs to comply with their rate-based emission standards, you must follow the requirements under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section and §§ 60.5795 through 60.5805.

    (b) If you submit a plan that sets a mass-based emission trading program for your affected EGUs, the State plan must include emission standards and requirements that specify the allowance system, related compliance requirements and mechanisms, and the emission budget as appropriate. These requirements must include those listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

    (1) CO2 emission monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements for affected EGUs.

    (2) Requirements for State allocation of allowances consistent with § 60.5815.

    (3) Requirements for tracking of allowances, from issuance through submission for compliance, consistent with § 60.5820.

    (4) The process for affected EGUs to demonstrate compliance (allowance “true-up” with reported CO2 emissions) consistent with § 60.5825.

    (5) Requirements that address potential increased CO2 emissions from new sources, beyond the emissions expected from new sources if affected EGUs were given emission standards in the form of the subcategory-specific CO2 emission performance rates. You may meet this requirement by requiring one of the options under paragraphs (b)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section.

    (i) You may include, as part of your plan's supporting documentation, requirements enforceable as a matter of State law regulating CO2 emissions from EGUs covered by subpart TTTT of this part under the mass-based CO2 goal plus new source CO2 emission complement applicable to your State in table 4 of this subpart. If you choose this option, the term “mass-based CO2 goal plus new source CO2 emission complement” shall apply rather than “CO2 mass-based goal” and the term “CO2 emission goal” shall include “mass-based CO2 goal plus new source CO2 emission complement” in these emission guidelines.

    (ii) You may include requirements in your State plan for emission budget allowance allocation methods that align incentives to generate to affected EGUs or EGUs covered by subpart TTTT of this part that result in the affected EGUs meeting the mass-based CO2 emission goal;

    (iii) You may submit for the EPA's approval, an equivalent method which requires affected EGUs to meet the mass-based CO2 emission goal. The EPA will evaluate the approvability of such an alternative method on a case by case basis.

    (c) If you submit a plan that sets rate-based emission standards on your affected EGUs, to meet the requirements of § 60.5775, you must follow the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section.

    (1) You must require the owner or operator of each affected EGU covered by your plan to calculate an adjusted CO2 emission rate to demonstrate compliance with its emission standard by factoring stack emissions and any ERCs into the following equation:


    CO2 emission rate = An affected EGU's adjusted CO2 emission rate that will be used to determine compliance with the applicable CO2 emission standard.

    MCO2 = Measured CO2 mass in units of pounds (lbs) summed over the compliance period for an affected EGU.

    MWhop = Total net energy output over the compliance period for an affected EGU in units of MWh.

    MWhERC = ERC replacement generation for an affected EGU in units of MWh (ERCs are denominated in whole integers as specified in paragraph (d) of this section).

    (2) Your plan must specify that an ERC qualifies for the compliance demonstration specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section if the ERC meets the requirements of paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.

    (i) An ERC must have a unique serial number.

    (ii) An ERC must represent one MWh of actual energy generated or saved with zero associated CO2 emissions.

    (iii) An ERC must only be issued to an eligible resource that meets the requirements of § 60.5800 or to an affected EGU that meets the requirements of § 60.5795 and must only be issued by a State or its State agent through an EPA-approved ERC tracking system that meets the requirements of § 60.5810, or by the EPA through an EPA-administered tracking system.

    (iv) An ERC must be surrendered and retired only once for purpose of compliance with this regulation through an EPA-approved ERC tracking system that meets the requirements of § 60.5810, or by the EPA through an EPA-administered tracking system.

    (3) Your plan must specify that an ERC does not qualify for the compliance demonstration specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section if it does not meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section or if any State has used that same ERC for purposes of demonstrating achievement of a CO2 emission performance rate or CO2 emission goal. The plan must additionally include provisions that address requirements for revocation or adjustment that apply if an ERC issued by the State is subsequently found to have been improperly issued.

    (4) Your plan must include provisions either allowing for or restricting banking of ERCs between compliance periods for affected EGUs, and provisions not allowing any borrowing of any ERCs from future compliance periods by affected EGUs or eligible resources.