§ 89.605 - Final admission of certified nonroad engines.  

Latest version.
  • § 89.605 Final admission of certified nonroad engines.

    (a) A nonroad engine may be finally admitted into the United States upon approval of the ICI's application to the Administrator. The application is made by completing EPA forms in accordance with EPA instructions. The application contains:

    (1) The information required in § 89.604(a);

    (2) Information demonstrating that the nonroad engine has been modified in accordance with a valid certificate of conformity. Demonstration is made in one of the following ways:

    (i) The ICI attests that the nonroad engine has been modified in accordance with the provisions of the ICI's certificate of conformity; presents to EPA a statement written by the applicable Original Engine Manufacturer that the Original Engine Manufacturer must provide to the ICI, and to EPA, information concerning production changes to the class of nonroad engines described in the ICI's application for certification; delivers to the Engine Programs and Compliance Division of EPA notification by the ICI of any production changes already implemented by the Original Engine Manufacturer at the time of application and their effect on emissions; and obtains from EPA written approval to use this demonstration option; or

    (ii) The ICI attests that the nonroad engine has been modified in accordance with the provisions of the ICI's certificate of conformity. The ICI also attests that it has conducted, within 120 days of entry, an applicable and valid emission test on every third nonroad engine imported under that certificate of conformity to demonstrate compliance with Federal emission requirements. The test is to be conducted at a laboratory located within the United States. Sequencing of the tests is determined by the date of importation of each nonroad engine beginning with the prototype nonroad engine used to obtain the applicable certificate of conformity. Should the ICI exceed a threshold of 300 nonroad engines imported under the certificate of conformity without adjustments or other changes in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the amount of required testing is reduced to every fifth nonroad engine.

    (3) The results of every emission test which the ICI conducted on the nonroad engine pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. Should a subject nonroad engine fail an emission test at any time, the following procedures are applicable:

    (i) The ICI may either:

    (A) Conduct one retest that involves no adjustment of the nonroad engine from the previous test (for example, adjusting the RPM, timing, air-to-fuel ratio, and so forth) other than adjustments to adjustable parameters that, upon inspection, were found to be out of tolerance. When such an allowable adjustment is made, the parameter may be reset only to the specified (that is, nominal) value (and not any other value within the tolerance band); or

    (B) Initiate a change in production (production change) under the provisions of subpart B of this part that causes the nonroad engine to meet federal emission requirements.

    (ii) If the ICI chooses to retest in accordance with paragraph (a)(3)(i)(A) of this section:

    (A) The retests are to be completed no later than five working days subsequent to the first emission test;

    (B) Should the subject nonroad engine fail the second emission test, then the ICI must initiate a change in production (a production change) under the provisions of subpart B of this part that causes the nonroad engine to meet federal emission requirements.

    (iii) If the ICI chooses to initiate a change in production (a production change) under the provisions of subpart B of this part that causes the nonroad engine to meet federal requirements, a change involving adjustments of adjustable nonroad engine parameters (for example, adjusting the RPM, timing, air/fuel ratio) represents a change in the specified (that is, nominal) value to be deemed acceptable by EPA.

    (iv) A production change made in accordance with this section is to be implemented on all subsequent nonroad engines imported under the certificate of conformity after the date of importation of the nonroad engine which gave rise to the production change.

    (v) Commencing with the first nonroad engine receiving the production change, every third nonroad engine imported under the certificate of conformity is to be emission tested to demonstrate compliance with federal emission requirements until, as in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, a threshold of 300 nonroad engines imported under the certificate of conformity is exceeded without adjustments or other changes in accordance with paragraph (a)(3)(i)(A) of this section, at which time the amount of required emission testing is reduced to every fifth nonroad engine.

    (vi) A report concerning these production changes is to be made to the Engine Programs and Compliance Division of EPA within ten working days of initiation of the production change. The cause of any failure of an emission test is to be identified, if known;

    (4) The applicable deterioration factor, if any;

    (5) The emission test results adjusted by the deterioration factor;

    (6) Other information that may be specified by applicable regulations or on the certificate of conformity under which the nonroad engine has been modified in order to assure compliance with requirements of the Act;

    (7) All information required under § 89.610 related to maintenance, warranties, and labeling;

    (8) An attestation by the ICI that the ICI is responsible for the nonroad engine's compliance with federal emission requirements, regardless of whether the ICI owns the nonroad engine imported under this section;

    (9) The name, address, and telephone number of the person who the ICI prefers to receive EPA notification under § 89.605(c);

    (10) An attestation by the ICI that all requirements of § 89.607 and § 89.610 have been met; and

    (11) Other information as is deemed necessary by the Administrator.

    (b) EPA approval for final admission of a nonroad engine under this section is to be presumed not to have been granted if a requirement of this subpart has not been met. This includes, but is not limited to, properly modifying the nonroad engine to be in conformity in all material respects with the description in the application for certification or not complying with the provisions of § 89.605(a)(2) or if the final emission test results, adjusted by the deterioration factor, if applicable, do not comply with applicable emission standards.

    (c) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, EPA approval for final admission of a nonroad engine under this section is presumed to have been granted if the ICI does not receive oral or written notice from EPA to the contrary within 15 working days of the date that the Engine Programs and Compliance Division of EPA receives the ICI's application under paragraph (a) of this section. EPA notice of nonapproval may be made to any employee of the ICI. It is the responsibility of the ICI to ensure that the Engine Programs and Compliance Division of EPA receives the application and to confirm the date of receipt. During this 15 working day hold period, the nonroad engine is to be stored at a location where the Administrator has reasonable access to the nonroad engine for the Administrator's inspection. The storage is to be within 50 miles of the ICI's testing facility to allow the Administrator reasonable access for inspection and testing. A storage facility not meeting this criterion must be approved in writing by the Administrator prior to the submittal of the ICI's application under paragraph (a) of this section.

    [59 FR 31335, June 17, 1994. Redesignated and amended at 63 FR 56996, 57021, Oct. 23, 1998]