Part 101-30 - Federal Catalog System  

§ 101-30.000 - Scope of part.
§ 101-30.001 - Applicability.
Subpart 101-30.1 - General
§ 101-30.100 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.101 - Definitions.
§ 101-30.102 - Objectives.
§ 101-30.103 - Responsibilities.
§ 101-30.101-1 - Civil agency item.
§ 101-30.101-2 - Item of supply.
§ 101-30.101-3 - National stock number.
§ 101-30.101-4 - Federal item identification.
§ 101-30.101-5 - Cataloging.
§ 101-30.101-6 - Cataloging activity.
§ 101-30.101-7 - Federal Catalog System.
§ 101-30.101-8 - Conversion.
§ 101-30.101-9 - Item entry control.
§ 101-30.101-10 - GSA section of the Federal Supply Catalog.
§ 101-30.101-11 - Recorded data.
§ 101-30.101-12 - Item identification data.
§ 101-30.101-13 - Management data.
§ 101-30.101-14 - Maintenance action.
§ 101-30.101-15 - Data preparation.
§ 101-30.101-16 - Data transmission.
§ 101-30.101-17 - Supply support.
§ 101-30.101-18 - Supply support request.
§ 101-30.101-1a - Item of production.
§ 101-30.103-1 - General.
§ 101-30.103-2 - Agency responsibilities.
Subpart 101-30.2 - Cataloging Handbooks and Manuals
§ 101-30.201 - General.
§ 101-30.202 - Policies.
Subpart 101-30.3 - Cataloging Items of Supply
§ 101-30.300 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.301 - Types of items to be cataloged.
§ 101-30.302 - Types of items excluded from cataloging.
§ 101-30.303 - Responsibility.
§ 101-30.304 - Application of item entry control.
§ 101-30.305 - Exemptions from the system.
Subpart 101-30.4 - Use of the Federal Catalog System
§ 101-30.400 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.401 - Data available from the Federal Catalog System.
§ 101-30.402 - Conversion.
§ 101-30.403 - Utilization.
§ 101-30.404 - Supply support.
§ 101-30.401-1 - Publications providing Federal catalog data.
§ 101-30.401-2 - Automated catalog data output.
§ 101-30.403-1 - Reports of excess and surplus personal property.
§ 101-30.403-2 - Management codes.
§ 101-30.404-1 - Consolidation of supply support requests.
Subpart 101-30.5 - Maintenance of the Federal Catalog System
§ 101-30.500 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.501 - Applicability.
§ 101-30.502 - [Reserved]
§ 101-30.503 - Maintenance actions required.
§ 101-30.504 - Cataloging data from Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC).
§ 101-30.505 - Assistance by Government suppliers.
Subpart 101-30.6 - GSA Section of the Federal Supply Catalog
§ 101-30.600 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.601 - Objective.
§ 101-30.602 - Authority for issuance.
§ 101-30.603 - GSA Supply Catalog.
§ 101-30.604 - Availability.
§ 101-30.603-1 - [Reserved]
§ 101-30.603-2 - GSA Supply Catalog.
§§ 101-30.603-3--101-30.603-4 - [Reserved]
§ 101-30.603-5 - Change bulletins.
§ 101-30.603-6 - Special Notices.
Subpart 101-30.7 - Item Reduction Program
§ 101-30.700 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.701 - Definitions.
§ 101-30.702 - Determining item reduction potential.
§ 101-30.703 - Program objectives.
§ 101-30.704 - Agency responsibilities.
§ 101-30.705 - GSA assistance.
§ 101-30.701-1 - Item reduction study.
§ 101-30.701-2 - Item standardization code.
§ 101-30.701-3 - Preparing activity.
§ 101-30.701-4 - Standardization relationship.
§ 101-30.704-1 - General Services Administration.
§ 101-30.704-2 - Other agencies.
Subpart 101-30.49 - Illustrations of Forms
§ 101-30.4900 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-30.4901 - Standard forms.
§ 101-30.4901-1303 - Standard Form 1303, Request for Federal Cataloging/Supply Support Action.
Subparts 101-30.8--101-30.48 - XXX