Subpart D - Occasional Use of Public Buildings  

Services and Costs
§ 102-74.535 - What items may Federal agencies provide to permittees free of charge?
§ 102-74.540 - What are the items for which permittees must reimburse Federal agencies?
§ 102-74.545 - May permittees make alterations to the public areas?
§ 102-74.550 - What items are permittees responsible for furnishing?
Application for Permit
§ 102-74.465 - Is a person or organization that wishes to use a public area required to apply for a permit from a Federal agency?
§ 102-74.470 - What information must persons or organizations submit so that Federal agencies may consider their application for a permit?
§ 102-74.475 - If an applicant proposes to use a public area to solicit funds, is the applicant required to make a certification?
§ 102-74.480 - How many days does a Federal agency have to issue a permit following receipt of a completed application?
§ 102-74.485 - Is there any limitation on the length of time of a permit?
§ 102-74.490 - What if more than one permit is requested for the same area and time?
§ 102-74.495 - If a permit involves demonstrations or activities that may lead to civil disturbances, what action must a Federal agency take before approving such a permit application?
§ 102-74.510 - How may the disapproval of a permit application or cancellation of an issued permit be appealed?
§ 102-74.515 - Will the affected person or organization and the Federal agency buildings manager have an opportunity to state their positions on the issues?
§ 102-74.520 - How much time does the Regional Officer have to affirm or reverse the Federal agency buildings manager's decision after receiving the notification of appeal from the affected person or organization?
Schedule of Use
§ 102-74.525 - May Federal agencies reserve time periods for the use of public areas for official Government business or for maintenance, repair and construction?
Disapproval of Applications or Cancellation of Permits
§ 102-74.500 - Can Federal agencies disapprove permit applications or cancel issued permits?
§ 102-74.505 - What action must Federal agencies take after disapproving an application or canceling an issued permit?
Non-Affiliation With the Government
§ 102-74.560 - May Federal agencies advise the public of the presence of any permittees and their non-affiliation with the Federal Government?
§ 102-74.555 - What rules of conduct must all permittees observe while on Federal property?
Hours of Use
§ 102-74.530 - When may public areas be used?
§ 102-74.460 - What is the scope of this subpart?