§ 101-35.201 - Authorized use of long distance telephone services.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Scope. This section describes policies and procedures for the use of Government-provided and commercial long distance telephone service paid for by the Government.

    (b) General. Agencies should be familiar with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) “Guidance on the Privacy Act Implications of Call Detail Programs to Manage Employees’ Use of the Government's Telecommunications Systems” (52 FR 12990, April 20, 1987).

    (c) Policy. (1) Telephone calls placed over Government-provided and commercial long distance systems that will be paid for or reimbursed by the Government, shall be used to conduct official business only.

    (2) To the maximum extent practicable, Federal employees shall place calls on Government-provided long distance telephone systems and services instead of using commercial toll services.

    (3) In accordance with 5 CFR 2635.704, the following practices are prohibited and a willful violation may result in criminal, civil, or administrative action, including suspension or dismissal:

    (i) Use of any Government system or service, or any other telephone service, where the Government pays the cost of the long distance call, for other than official business, except emergency calls and calls the agency determines are necessary in the interest of the Government.

    (ii) Making an unauthorized long distance telephone call with the intent to later reimburse the Government.

    (iii) Unauthorized use of telephone call detail data.

    (d) Procedures. Official business calls may include emergency calls and other calls the agency determines are necessary in the interest of the Government.

    (1) Telephone calls may properly be authorized when they—

    (i) Do not adversely affect the performance of official duties by the employee or the employee's organization;

    (ii) Are of reasonable duration and frequency; and

    (iii) Could not reasonably have been made at another time; or

    (iv) Are provided for in a collective bargaining agreement that is consistent with this part.

    (2) Personal long distance calls that must be made during working hours may be made over the commercial long distance network if consistent with the criteria in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and are:

    (i) Charged to the employee's home phone number or other non-Government number (third-number call);

    (ii) Made to an 800 toll-free number;

    (iii) Charged to the called party if a non-Government number (collect call); or

    (iv) Charged to a personal telephone credit card.

    (3) Agencies shall issue directives on using telephone facilities and services. Agencies’ contractor-operated facilities shall be covered by these directives. The directives may provide further definition of calls necessary in the interest of the Government and shall include procedures for collection and reimbursement for unauthorized calls.