§ 102-83.90 - What hierarchy of geographic consideration must agencies apply to location decisions?  

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  • § 102-83.90 Do Executive Orders 12072 and 13006 apply to rural areas?

    No, Executive Orders 12072 and 13006 only apply to agencies looking for space in urban areas.

    What hierarchy of geographic consideration must agencies apply to location decisions?

    (a) Agencies must develop policies and procedures for applying the goals of this part in their business practices. These policies and procedures must include methods for applying the hierarchy outlined in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (b) When making new location decisions, agencies must give preference to geographic areas in the following order:

    (1) Agencies must give first priority to locating in a rural area in accordance with the Rural Development Act of 1972 (RDA). As with other elements of this part, acquiring agencies must develop their own policies and procedures for implementing the goals of the RDA. Agencies must consider the objectives outlined in § 102-83.85 and use these principles and factors to differentiate among potential locations. Agencies are encouraged to seek a location that best meets these factors or meet multiple factors. If an agency's mission cannot be accomplished in a rural area, the agency may locate in an urban area.

    (2) When an agency's mission requires location in an urban area, the agency must give priority to the CBA within a principal city of a CBSA or other areas as recommended by local officials. Agencies must consider the objectives outlined in § 102-83.85 and use these principles and factors to differentiate among potential locations. Agencies are encouraged to seek a location that best meets these factors or meets multiple factors.

    (3) If an agency mission cannot be met within a principal city, or where areas, such as existing employment centers, outside the principal city offer better opportunities to advance the objectives outlined in § 102-83.85, in accordance with their established policies and procedures, agencies may proceed to seek space in those areas.

    (4) Once an agency has set a delineated area in a rural or urban area, agencies must comply with the requirements for consideration of historic properties and districts set forth in § 102-78.60.