Chapter I—Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services  

SubChapter A—General Provisions
Part 1 - XXX
Part 2 - Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records
Part 3 - Patient Safety Organizations and Patient Safety Work Product
Part 4 - National Library of Medicine
Part 5 - Designation of Health Professional(S) Shortage Areas
Part 6 - Federal Tort Claims Act Coverage of Certain Grantees and Individuals
Part 7 - Distribution of Reference Biological Standards and Biological Preparations
Part 8 - Medications for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Part 9 - Standards of Care for Chimpanzees Held in the Federally Supported Sanctuary System
Part 10 - 340B Drug Pricing Program
Part 11 - Clinical Trials Registration and Results Information Submission
Part 12 - Telemedicine Flexibilities
Part 2a - Protection of Identity - Research Subjects
Part 5a - Rural Physician Training Grant Program
SubChapter B - Personnel
Part 21 - Commissioned Officers
Part 22 - Personnel Other Than Commissioned Officers
Part 23 - National Health Service Corps
Part 24 - Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service
SubChapter C - Medical Care and Examinations
Part 31 - Medical Care for Certain Personnel of the Coast Guard, National Ocean Survey, Public Health Service, and Former Lighthouse Service
Part 32 - Medical Care for Persons With Hansen'S Disease and Other Persons in Emergencies
Part 34 - Medical Examination of Aliens
Part 35 - Hospital and Station Management
Part 37 - Specifications for Medical Examinations of Coal Miners
Part 38 - Disaster Assistance for Crisis Counseling and Training
SubChapter D - Grants
Part 50 - Policies of General Applicability
Part 51 - Requirements Applicable to the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Mental Illness Program
Part 52 - Grants for Research Projects
Part 53 - Grants, Loans and Loan Guarantees for Construction and Modernization of Hospitals and Medical Facilities
Part 54 - Charitable Choice Regulations Applicable to States Receiving Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grants and/or Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness Grants
Part 56 - Grants for Migrant Health Services
Part 57 - Grants for Construction of Teaching Facilities, Educational Improvements, Scholarships and Student Loans
Part 58 - Grants for Training of Public Health and Allied Health Personnel
Part 59 - Grants for Family Planning Services
Part 60 - Health Education Assistance Loan Program
Part 51a - Project Grants for Maternal and Child Health
Part 52a - National Institutes of Health Center Grants
Part 54a - Charitable Choice Regulations Applicable to States, Local Governments and Religious Organizations Receiving Discretionary Funding Under Title V of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 290aa, Et Seq., for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Services
Part 55a - Program Grants for Black Lung Clinics
Part 59a - National Library of Medicine Grants
Part 51b - Project Grants for Preventive Health Services
Part 52b - National Institutes of Health Construction Grants
Part 51c - Grants for Community Health Services
Part 52c - Minority Biomedical Research Support Program
Part 51d - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Emergency Response Procedures
Part 52d - National Cancer Institute Clinical Cancer Education Program
Part 52e - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Grants for Prevention and Control Projects
Part 52h - Scientific Peer Review of Research Grant Applications and Research and Development Contract Projects
Part 52i - National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Endowment Programs
Parts 51e--51g - [Reserved]
SubChapter E—Fellowships, Internships, Training
Part 61 - Fellowships
Part 62 - National Health Service Corps Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs
Part 63 - Traineeships
Part 64 - National Library of Medicine Training Grants
Part 65 - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Hazardous Waste Worker Training
Part 66 - National Research Service Awards
Part 67 - Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Grants and Contracts
Part 68 - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs (Lrps)
Part 63a - National Institutes of Health Training Grants
Part 64a - Obligated Service for Mental Health Traineeships
Part 65a - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Hazardous Substances Basic Research and Training Grants
Part 68b - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program Regarding Professions Needed by National Research Institutes (UGSP)
SubChapter F—Quarantine, Inspection, Licensing
Part 70 - Interstate Quarantine
Part 71 - Foreign Quarantine
Part 72 - [Reserved]
Part 73 - Select Agents and Toxins
Part 75 - Standards for the Accreditation of Educational Programs for and the Credentialing of Radiologic Personnel
SubChapter G—Occupational Safety and Health Research and Related Activities
Part 80 - [Reserved]
Part 81 - Guidelines for Determining Probability of Causation Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000
Part 82 - Methods for Conducting Dose Reconstruction Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000
Part 83 - Procedures for Designating Classes of Employees as Members of the Special Exposure Cohort Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000
Part 84 - Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices
Part 85 - Requests for Health Hazard Evaluations
Part 86 - Grants for Education Programs in Occupational Safety and Health
Part 87 - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Research and Demonstration Grants
Part 88 - World Trade Center Health Program
Part 85a - Occupational Safety and Health Investigations of Places of Employment
SubChapter H - Health Assessments and Health Effects Studies of Hazardous Substances Releases and Facilities
Part 90 - Administrative Functions, Practices, and Procedures
Part 93 - Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct
SubChapter I - XXX
SubChapter J - Vaccines
Part 100 - Vaccine Injury Compensation
Part 110 - Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
SubChapter K - Health Resources Development
Part 121 - Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
Part 124 - Medical Facility Construction and Modernization
Parts 125--129 - [Reserved]
SubChapter L - Compassionate Payments
Part 130 - Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Program
Parts 131--135 - [Reserved]
SubChapter M—Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services
Part 136 - Indian Health
Part 137 - Tribal Self-Governance
Parts 138--199 - [Reserved]
Part 136a - Indian Health