Subpart M - Grievances, Organization Determinations and Appeals  

§ 422.560 - Basis and scope.
§ 422.561 - Definitions.
§ 422.562 - General provisions.
§ 422.564 - Grievance procedures.
§ 422.566 - Organization determinations.
§ 422.568 - Standard timeframes and notice requirements for organization determinations.
§ 422.570 - Expediting certain organization determinations.
§ 422.572 - Timeframes and notice requirements for expedited organization determinations.
§ 422.574 - Parties to the organization determination.
§ 422.576 - Effect of an organization determination.
§ 422.578 - Right to a reconsideration.
§ 422.580 - Reconsideration defined.
§ 422.582 - Request for a standard reconsideration.
§ 422.584 - Expediting certain reconsiderations.
§ 422.586 - Opportunity to submit evidence.
§ 422.590 - Timeframes and responsibility for reconsiderations.
§ 422.592 - Reconsideration by an independent entity.
§ 422.594 - Notice of reconsidered determination by the independent entity.
§ 422.596 - Effect of a reconsidered determination.
§ 422.600 - Right to a hearing.
§ 422.602 - Request for an ALJ hearing.
§ 422.608 - Medicare Appeals Council (Council) review.
§ 422.612 - Judicial review.
§ 422.616 - Reopening and revising determinations and decisions.
§ 422.618 - How an MA organization must effectuate standard reconsidered determinations or decisions.
§ 422.619 - How an MA organization must effectuate expedited reconsidered determinations.
§ 422.620 - Notifying enrollees of hospital discharge appeal rights.
§ 422.622 - Requesting immediate QIO review of the decision to discharge from the inpatient hospital.
§ 422.624 - Notifying enrollees of termination of provider services.
§ 422.626 - Fast-track appeals of service terminations to independent review entities (IREs).
§ 422.630 - xxx
§ 422.632 - xxx
§ 422.634 - xxx
Requirements Applicable to Certain Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans
§ 422.629 - General requirements for applicable integrated plans.
§ 422.631 - Integrated organization determinations.
§ 422.633 - Integrated reconsiderations.