Part 495 - Standards for the Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 495.2 - Basis and purpose.
§ 495.4 - Definitions.
§ 495.5 - Requirements for EPs seeking to reverse a hospital-based determination under § 495.4.
§ 495.6 - Meaningful use objectives and measures for EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs.
§ 495.8 - Demonstration of meaningful use criteria.
§ 495.10 - Participation requirements for EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs.
§ 495.20 - Meaningful use objectives and measures for EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs before 2015.
§ 495.22 - Meaningful use objectives and measures for EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs for 2015 through 2018.
§ 495.24 - Stage 3 meaningful use objectives and measures for EPs, eligible hospitals and CAHs for 2019 and subsequent years.
§ 495.40 - Demonstration of meaningful use criteria.
§ 495.60 - Participation requirements for EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs.
Subpart B - Requirements Specific to the Medicare Program
§ 495.100 - Definitions.
§ 495.102 - Incentive payments to EPs.
§ 495.104 - Incentive payments to eligible hospitals.
§ 495.106 - Incentive payments to CAHs.
§ 495.108 - Posting of required information.
§ 495.110 - Preclusion on administrative and judicial review.
Subpart C - Requirements Specific to Medicare Advantage (MA) Organizations
§ 495.200 - Definitions.
§ 495.202 - Identification of qualifying MA organizations, MA-EPs and MA-affiliated eligible hospitals.
§ 495.204 - Incentive payments to qualifying MA organizations for qualifying MA-EPs and qualifying MA-affiliated eligible hospitals.
§ 495.206 - Timeframe for payment to qualifying MA organizations.
§ 495.208 - Avoiding duplicate payment.
§ 495.210 - Meaningful EHR user attestation.
§ 495.211 - Payment adjustments effective for 2015 and subsequent MA payment years with respect to MA EPs and MA-affiliated eligible hospitals.
§ 495.212 - Limitation on review.
Subpart D - Requirements Specific to the Medicaid Program
§ 495.300 - Basis and purpose.
§ 495.302 - Definitions.
§ 495.304 - Medicaid provider scope and eligibility.
§ 495.306 - Establishing patient volume.
§ 495.308 - Net average allowable costs as the basis for determining the incentive payment.
§ 495.310 - Medicaid provider incentive payments.
§ 495.312 - Process for payments.
§ 495.314 - Activities required to receive an incentive payment.
§ 495.316 - State monitoring and reporting regarding activities required to receive an incentive payment.
§ 495.318 - State responsibilities for receiving FFP.
§ 495.320 - FFP for payments to Medicaid providers.
§ 495.322 - FFP for reasonable administrative expenses.
§ 495.324 - Prior approval conditions.
§ 495.326 - Disallowance of FFP.
§ 495.328 - Request for reconsideration of adverse determination.
§ 495.330 - Termination of FFP for failure to provide access to information.
§ 495.332 - State Medicaid health information technology (HIT) plan requirements.
§ 495.334 - [Reserved]
§ 495.336 - Health information technology planning advance planning document requirements (HIT PAPD).
§ 495.338 - Health information technology implementation advance planning document requirements (HIT IAPD).
§ 495.340 - As-needed HIT PAPD update and as-needed HIT IAPD update requirements.
§ 495.342 - Annual HIT IAPD requirements.
§ 495.344 - Approval of the State Medicaid HIT plan, the HIT PAPD and update, the HIT IAPD and update, and the annual HIT IAPD.
§ 495.346 - Access to systems and records.
§ 495.348 - Procurement standards.
§ 495.350 - State Medicaid agency attestations.
§ 495.352 - Reporting requirements.
§ 495.354 - Rules for charging equipment.
§ 495.356 - Nondiscrimination requirements.
§ 495.358 - Cost allocation plans.
§ 495.360 - Software and ownership rights.
§ 495.362 - Retroactive approval of FFP with an effective date of February 18, 2009.
§ 495.364 - Review and assessment of administrative activities and expenses of Medicaid provider health information technology adoption and operation.
§ 495.366 - Financial oversight and monitoring of expenditures.
§ 495.368 - Combating fraud and abuse.
§ 495.370 - Appeals process for a Medicaid provider receiving electronic health record incentive payments.