Chapter II—Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior  

SubChapter A—General Management (1000)
Part 1600 - Planning, Programming, Budgeting
Part 1780 - Cooperative Relations
Part 1810 - Introduction and General Guidance
Part 1820 - Application Procedures
Part 1840 - Appeals Procedures
Part 1850 - Hearings Procedures
Part 1860 - Conveyances, Disclaimers and Correction Documents
Part 1870 - Adjudication Principles and Procedures
Part 1880 - Financial Assistance, Local Governments
Parts 1000--1599 - [Reserved]
SubChapter B—Land Resource Management (2000) Group 2000—Land Resource Management; General
Part 2090 - Special Laws and Rules
Part 2200 - Exchanges: General Procedures
Part 2300 - Land Withdrawals
Part 2360 - National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska
Part 2370 - Restorations and Revocations
Part 2400 - Land Classification
Part 2410 - Criteria for All Land Classifications
Part 2420 - Multiple-Use Management Classifications
Part 2430 - Disposal Classifications
Part 2440 - Segregation by Classification
Part 2450 - Petition-Application Classification System
Part 2460 - Bureau Initiated Classification System
Part 2470 - Postclassification Actions
Part 2520 - Desert-Land Entries
Part 2530 - Indian Allotments
Part 2540 - Color-of-Title and Omitted Lands
Part 2560 - Alaska Occupancy and Use
Part 2610 - Carey Act Grants
Part 2620 - State Grants
Part 2630 - Railroad Grants
Part 2640 - FAA Airport Grants
Part 2650 - Alaska Native Selections
Part 2710 - Sales: Federal Land Policy and Management Act
Part 2720 - Conveyance of Federally-Owned Mineral Interests
Part 2740 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act
Part 2800 - Rights-of-Way Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act
Part 2810 - Tramroads and Logging Roads
Part 2880 - Rights-of-Way Under the Mineral Leasing Act
Part 2910 - Leases
Part 2920 - Leases, Permits and Easements
Part 2930 - Permits for Recreation on Public Lands
Part 2860 - Communications Uses
SubChapter C—Minerals Management (3000)
Part 3000 - Minerals Management: General
Part 3100 - Oil and Gas Leasing
Part 3110 - Noncompetitive Leases
Part 3120 - Competitive Leases
Part 3130 - Oil and Gas Leasing: National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska
Part 3140 - Leasing in Special Tar Sand Areas
Part 3150 - Onshore Oil and Gas Geophysical Exploration
Part 3160 - Onshore Oil and Gas Operations
Part 3170 - Onshore Oil and Gas Production
Part 3180 - Onshore Oil and Gas Unit Agreements: Unproven Areas
Part 3190 - Delegation of Authority, Cooperative Agreements and Contracts for Oil and Gas Inspection
Part 3195 - Helium Contracts
Part 3200 - Geothermal Resource Leasing
Part 3280 - Geothermal Resources Unit Agreements
Part 3400 - Coal Management: General
Part 3410 - Exploration Licenses
Part 3420 - Competitive Leasing
Part 3430 - Noncompetitive Leases
Part 3440 - Licenses to Mine
Part 3450 - Management of Existing Leases
Part 3460 - Environment
Part 3470 - Coal Management Provisions and Limitations
Part 3480 - Coal Exploration and Mining Operations Rules
Part 3500 - Leasing of Solid Minerals Other Than Coal and Oil Shale
Part 3580 - Special Leasing Areas
Part 3590 - Solid Minerals (Other Than Coal) Exploration and Mining Operations
Part 3600 - Mineral Materials Disposal
Part 3610 - SALES
Part 3620 - Free Use of Petrified Wood
Part 3710 - Public Law 167; Act of July 23, 1955
Part 3720 - [Reserved]
Part 3730 - Public Law 359; Mining in Powersite Withdrawals: General
Part 3740 - Public Law 585; Multiple Mineral Development
Part 3800 - Mining Claims Under the General Mining Laws
Part 3810 - Lands and Minerals Subject to Location
Part 3820 - Areas Subject to Special Mining Laws
Part 3830 - Locating, Recording, and Maintaining Mining Claims or Sites; General Provisions
Part 3831 - Mineral Lands Available for Locating Mining Claims or Sites
Part 3832 - Locating Mining Claims or Sites
Part 3833 - Recording Mining Claims and Sites
Part 3834 - Required Fees for Mining Claims or Sites
Part 3835 - Waivers from Annual Maintenance Fees
Part 3836 - Annual Assessment Work Requirements for Mining Claims
Part 3837 - Acquiring a Delinquent Co-Claimant'S Interests in a Mining Claim or Site
Part 3838 - Special Procedures for Locating and Recording Mining Claims and Tunnel Sites on Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) Lands
Part 3839 - Special Laws, in Addition to FLPMA, That Require Recording or Notice
Part 3860 - Mineral Patent Applications
Part 3870 - Adverse Claims, Protests and Conflicts
Part 3900 - Oil Shale Management - General
Part 3910 - Oil Shale Exploration Licenses
Part 3920 - Oil Shale Leasing
Part 3930 - Management of Oil Shale Exploration and Leases
SubChapter D - Range Management (4000) Group 4100 - Grazing Administration
Part 4100 - Grazing Administration - Exclusive of Alaska
Part 4200 - Grazing Administration; Alaska; Livestock
Part 4300 - Grazing Administration; Alaska; Reindeer; General
Part 4600 - Leases of Grazing Land - Pierce Act
Part 4700 - Protection, Management, and Control of Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros
SubChapter E - Forest Management (5000)
Part 5000 - Administration of Forest Management Decisions
Part 5040 - Sustained-Yield Forest Units
Part 5400 - Sales of Forest Products; General
Part 5410 - Annual Timber Sale Plan
Part 5420 - Preparation for Sale
Part 5430 - Advertisement
Part 5440 - Conduct of Sales
Part 5450 - Award of Contract
Part 5460 - Sales Administration
Part 5470 - Contract Modification - Extension - Assignment
Part 5500 - Nonsale Disposals; General
Part 5510 - Free Use of Timber
SubChapter F—Preservation and Conservation (6000)
Part 6300 - Management of Designated Wilderness Areas
Part 6100 - Ecosystem Resilience
SubChapter G (7000) - XXX
SubChapter H - Recreation Programs
Part 8200 - Procedures
Part 8340 - Off-Road Vehicles
Part 8350 - Management Areas
Part 8360 - Visitor Services
SubChapter I—Technical Services (9000) Group 9100—Engineering
Part 9180 - Cadastral Survey
Part 9210 - Fire Management
Part 9230 - Trespass
Part 9260 - Law Enforcement - Criminal
Parts 9261--9999 - [Reserved]