Part 2650 - Alaska Native Selections  

Subpart 2650 - Alaska Native Selections: Generally
§ 2650.0-1 - Purpose.
§ 2650.1 - Provisions for interim administration.
§ 2650.0-2 - Objectives.
§ 2650.2 - Application procedures for land selections.
§ 2650.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2650.3 - Lawful entries, lawful settlements, and mining claims.
§ 2650.4 - Conveyance reservations.
§ 2650.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 2650.5 - Survey requirements.
§ 2650.6 - Selection limitations.
§ 2650.0-7 - References.
§ 2650.7 - Publication.
§ 2650.0-8 - Waiver.
§ 2650.8 - Appeals.
§ 2650.3-1 - Lawful entries and lawful settlements.
§ 2650.3-2 - Mining claims.
§ 2650.4-1 - Existing rights and contracts.
§ 2650.4-2 - Succession of interest.
§ 2650.4-3 - Administration.
§ 2650.4-4 - Revenues.
§ 2650.4-5 - National forest lands.
§ 2650.4-6 - National wildlife refuge system lands.
§ 2650.4-7 - Public easements.
§ 2650.5-1 - General.
§ 2650.5-2 - Rule of approximation.
§ 2650.5-3 - Regional surveys.
§ 2650.5-4 - Village surveys.
§ 2650.5-5 - Cemetery sites and historical places.
§ 2650.5-6 - Adjustment to plat of survey.
Subpart 2651 - Village Selections
§ 2651.1 - Entitlement.
§ 2651.2 - Eligibility requirements.
§ 2651.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2651.3 - Selection period.
§ 2651.4 - Selection limitations.
§ 2651.5 - Conveyance reservations.
§ 2651.6 - Airport and air navigation facilities.
Subpart 2652 - Regional Selections
§ 2652.1 - Entitlement.
§ 2652.2 - Selection period.
§ 2652.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2652.3 - Selection limitations.
§ 2652.4 - Conveyance reservations.
Subpart 2653 - Miscellaneous Selections
§ 2653.1 - Conveyance limitations.
§ 2653.2 - Application procedures.
§ 2653.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2653.3 - Lands available for selection.
§ 2653.4 - Termination of selection period.
§ 2653.0-5 - Definitions.
§ 2653.5 - Cemetery sites and historical places.
§ 2653.6 - Native groups.
§ 2653.7 - Sitka-Kenai-Juneau-Kodiak selections.
§ 2653.8 - Primary place of residence.
§ 2653.9 - Regional selections.
§ 2653.10 - Excess selections.
§ 2653.11 - Conveyance reservations.
§ 2653.8-1 - Acreage to be conveyed.
§ 2653.8-2 - Primary place of residence criteria.
§ 2653.8-3 - Appeals.
Subpart 2654 - Native Reserves
§ 2654.1 - Exercise of option.
§ 2654.2 - Application procedures.
§ 2654.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2654.3 - Conveyances.
§ 2654.0-5 - Definitions.
Subpart 2655 - Federal Installations
§ 2655.1 - Lands subject to determination.
§ 2655.2 - Criteria for determinations.
§ 2655.0-3 - Authority.
§ 2655.3 - Determination procedures.
§ 2655.4 - Adverse decisions.
§ 2655.0-5 - Definitions.