Subpart 3505 - Prospecting Permits  

§ 3505.10 - What is a prospecting permit?
§ 3505.11 - Do I need a prospecting permit to collect mineral specimens for non-commercial purposes?
Applying for Prospecting Permits
§ 3505.12 - How do I obtain a prospecting permit?
§ 3505.13 - What must my application include?
§ 3505.15 - Is there an acreage limit for my application?
§ 3505.25 - How does BLM prioritize applications for prospecting permits?
§ 3505.30 - May I amend or change my application after I file it?
§ 3505.31 - May I withdraw my application after I file it?
§ 3505.40 - After submitting my application, do I need to submit anything else?
§ 3505.45 - What is an exploration plan?
§ 3505.50 - How will I know if BLM has approved or rejected my application?
§ 3505.51 - May I file a revised application if BLM rejects my original application?
Prospecting Permit Terms and Conditions
§ 3505.55 - What are my obligations to BLM under an approved prospecting permit?
§ 3505.60 - How long is my prospecting permit in effect?
§ 3505.61 - May BLM extend the term of my prospecting permit?
§ 3505.62 - Under what conditions will BLM extend my prospecting permit?
§ 3505.64 - How do I apply for an extension?
§ 3505.65 - What information must I include in my extension request?
§ 3505.66 - If approved, when is my extension effective?
§ 3505.70 - May I relinquish my prospecting permit?
§ 3505.75 - What happens if I fail to pay the rental?
§ 3505.80 - What happens when my permit expires?
§ 3505.85 - May BLM cancel my prospecting permit for reasons other than failure to pay rental?