Subpart L - Special Rules Applicable to Surface Coal Mining Hearings and Appeals  

Expedited Review of Section 521(a)(2) or 521(a)(3) Orders of Cessation
§ 4.1180 - Purpose.
§ 4.1181 - Who may file.
§ 4.1182 - Where to file.
§ 4.1183 - Time for filing.
§ 4.1184 - Contents of application.
§ 4.1185 - Computation of time for decision.
§ 4.1186 - Waiver of the 30-day decision requirement.
§ 4.1187 - Procedure if 30-day decision requirement is not waived.
Proceedings for Suspension or Revocation of Permits Under Section 521(a)(4)of the Act
Appeals to the Board from Decisions of the Office of Surface Mining
§ 4.1280 - Scope.
§ 4.1281 - Who may appeal.
§ 4.1282 - Appeals; how taken.
§ 4.1283 - Service.
§ 4.1284 - Answer.
§ 4.1285 - Summary dismissal.
§ 4.1286 - Motion for a hearing on an appeal involving issues of fact.
§ 4.1287 - Action by administrative law judge.
Petitions for Review of Proposed Individual Civil Penalty Assessments Under Section 518(F) of the Act
§ 4.1300 - Scope.
§ 4.1301 - Who may file.
§ 4.1302 - Time for filing.
§ 4.1303 - Contents and service of petition.
§ 4.1304 - Answer, motion, or statement of OSM.
§ 4.1305 - Amendment of petition.
§ 4.1306 - Notice of hearing.
§ 4.1307 - Elements; burdens of proof.
§ 4.1308 - Decision by administrative law judge.
§ 4.1309 - Petition for discretionary review.
Proceedings for Suspension or Revocation of Permits Under Section 521(a)(4) of the Act
§ 4.1190 - Initiation of proceedings.
§ 4.1191 - Answer.
§ 4.1192 - Contents of answer.
§ 4.1193 - Notice of hearing.
§ 4.1194 - Burden of proof in suspension or revocation proceedings.
§ 4.1195 - Determination by the administrative law judge.
§ 4.1196 - Summary disposition.
§ 4.1197 - Appeals.
Petitions for Award of Costs and Expenses Under Section 525(e)of the Act
Review of Office of Surface Mining Written Decisions Concerning Ownership or Control Challenges
§ 4.1380 - Scope.
§ 4.1381 - Who may file; when to file; where to file.
§ 4.1382 - Contents of request for review; response to request; amendment of request.
§ 4.1383 - Hearing.
§ 4.1384 - Burdens of proof.
§ 4.1385 - Time for initial decision.
§ 4.1386 - Petition for temporary relief from decision; appeals from decisions granting or denying temporary relief.
§ 4.1387 - Petition for discretionary review of initial decisions.
Review of Decisions of the Office of Surface Mining Suspending or Rescinding Improvidently Issued Permits
Petitions for Award of Costs and Expenses Under Section 525(E) of the Act
§ 4.1290 - Who may file.
§ 4.1291 - Where to file; time for filing.
§ 4.1292 - Contents of petition.
§ 4.1293 - Answer.
§ 4.1294 - Who may receive an award.
§ 4.1295 - Awards.
§ 4.1296 - Appeals.
Review of OSM Decisions Proposing to Suspend or Rescind or Suspending or Rescinding Improvidently Issued Permits
§ 4.1370 - Scope.
§ 4.1371 - Who may file, where to file, when to file.
§ 4.1372 - Contents of request for review, response to request, amendment of request.
§ 4.1373 - Hearing.
§ 4.1374 - Burdens of proof.
§ 4.1375 - Time for initial decision.
§ 4.1376 - Petition for temporary relief from notice of proposed suspension or rescission or notice of suspension or rescission; appeals from decisions granting or denying temporary relief.
§ 4.1377 - Petition for discretionary review of initial decision.
Applications for Review of Alleged Discriminatory Acts Under Section 703 of the Act
§ 4.1200 - Filing of the application for review with the Office of Hearings and Appeals.
§ 4.1201 - Request for scheduling of a hearing.
§ 4.1202 - Response to request for the scheduling of a hearing.
§ 4.1203 - Application for temporary relief from alleged discriminatory acts.
§ 4.1204 - Determination by administrative law judge.
§ 4.1205 - Appeals.
General Provisions
§ 4.1100 - Definitions.
§ 4.1101 - Jurisdiction of the Board.
§ 4.1102 - Construction.
§ 4.1103 - Eligibility to practice.
§ 4.1104 - General rules relating to procedure and practice.
§ 4.1105 - Parties.
§ 4.1106 - Hearing sites.
§ 4.1107 - Filing of documents.
§ 4.1108 - Form of documents.
§ 4.1109 - Service.
§ 4.1110 - Intervention.
§ 4.1111 - Voluntary dismissal.
§ 4.1112 - Motions.
§ 4.1113 - Consolidation of proceedings.
§ 4.1114 - Advancement of proceedings.
§ 4.1115 - Waiver of right to hearing.
§ 4.1116 - Status of notices of violation and orders of cessation pending review by the Office of Hearings and Appeals.
§ 4.1117 - Reconsideration.
Expedited Review of Section 521(a)(2)or 521(a)(3) Orders of Cessation
Review of Office of Surface Mining Written Decisions Concerning Ownership and Control
Applications for Review of Alleged Discriminatory Acts Under Section 703of the Act
Applications for Temporary Relief
§ 4.1260 - Scope.
§ 4.1261 - When to file.
§ 4.1262 - Where to file.
§ 4.1263 - Contents of application.
§ 4.1264 - Response to application.
§ 4.1265 - Determination on application concerning a notice of violation issued pursuant to section 521(a)(3) of the act.
§ 4.1266 - Determination on application concerning an order of cessation.
§ 4.1267 - Appeals.
Review of Section 521Notices of Violation and Orders of Cessation
Request for Review of OSM Determinations of Issues Under 30CFR Part 761 (Federal Program; Federal Lands Program; Federal Program for Indian Lands)
§ 4.1130 - Discovery methods.
§ 4.1131 - Time for discovery.
§ 4.1132 - Scope of discovery.
§ 4.1133 - Sequence and timing of discovery.
§ 4.1134 - Supplementation of responses.
§ 4.1135 - Motion to compel discovery.
§ 4.1136 - Failure to comply with orders compelling discovery.
§ 4.1137 - Depositions upon oral examination or upon written questions.
§ 4.1138 - Use of depositions.
§ 4.1139 - Written interrogatories to parties.
§ 4.1140 - Production of documents and things and entry upon land for inspection and other purposes.
§ 4.1141 - Admissions.
Request for Review of Approval or Disapproval of Applications for New Permits, Permit Revisions, Permit Renewals, the Transfer, Assignment or Sale of Rights Granted Under Permit (Federal Program; Federal Lands Program; Federal Program for Indian Lands) and for Coal Exploration Permits (Federal Program)
§ 4.1360 - Scope.
§ 4.1361 - Who may file.
§ 4.1362 - Where to file; when to file.
§ 4.1363 - Contents of request; amendment of request; responses.
§ 4.1364 - Time for hearing; notice of hearing; extension of time for hearing.
§ 4.1365 - Status of decision pending administrative review.
§ 4.1366 - Burdens of proof.
§ 4.1367 - Request for temporary relief.
§ 4.1368 - Determination by the Administrative Law Judge.
§ 4.1369 - Petition for discretionary review; judicial review.
Review of Section 521 Notices of Violation and Orders of Cessation
§ 4.1160 - Scope.
§ 4.1161 - Who may file.
§ 4.1162 - Time for filing.
§ 4.1163 - Effect of failure to file.
§ 4.1164 - Contents of application.
§ 4.1165 - Answer.
§ 4.1166 - Contents of answer.
§ 4.1167 - Notice of hearing.
§ 4.1168 - Amendments to pleadings.
§ 4.1169 - Failure to state a claim.
§ 4.1170 - Related notices or orders.
§ 4.1171 - Burden of proof in review of section 521 notices or orders.
Request for Hearing on a Preliminary Finding Concerning a Demonstrated Pattern of Willful Violations Under Section 510(C) of the Act, 30 U.S.C. 1260(C) (Federal Program; Federal Lands Program; Federal Program for Indian Lands)
§ 4.1350 - Scope.
§ 4.1351 - Preliminary finding by OSM.
§ 4.1352 - Who may file; where to file; when to file.
§ 4.1353 - Contents of request.
§ 4.1354 - Determination by the administrative law judge.
§ 4.1355 - Burden of proof.
§ 4.1356 - Appeals.
Request for Hearing on a Preliminary Finding Concerning a Demonstrated Pattern of Willful Violations Under Section 510(c)of the Act, 30 U.S.C. 1260(c) (Federal Program; Federal Lands Program; Federal Program for Indian Lands)
Petitions for Review of Proposed Individual Civil Penalty Assessments Under Section 518(f)of the Act
Appeals to the Board from Decisions or Orders of Administrative Law Judges
§ 4.1270 - Petition for discretionary review of a proposed civil penalty.
§ 4.1271 - Notice of appeal.
§ 4.1272 - Interlocutory appeals.
§ 4.1273 - Briefs.
§ 4.1274 - Remand.
§ 4.1275 - Final decisions.
§ 4.1276 - Reconsideration.
Petitions for Review of Proposed Assessments of Civil Penalties
§ 4.1150 - Who may file.
§ 4.1151 - Time for filing.
§ 4.1152 - Contents of petition; payment required.
§ 4.1153 - Answer.
§ 4.1154 - Review of waiver determination.
§ 4.1155 - Burdens of proof in civil penalty proceedings.
§ 4.1156 - Summary disposition.
§ 4.1157 - Determination by administrative law judge.
§ 4.1158 - Appeals.
Request for Review of OSM Determinations of Issues Under 30 CFR Part 761 (Federal Program; Federal Lands Program; Federal Program for Indian Lands)
§ 4.1390 - Scope.
§ 4.1391 - Who may file; where to file; when to file; filing of administrative record.
§ 4.1392 - Contents of request; amendment of request; responses.
§ 4.1393 - Status of decision pending administrative review.
§ 4.1394 - Burden of proof.
Evidentiary Hearings
§ 4.1120 - Presiding officers.
§ 4.1121 - Powers of administrative law judges.
§ 4.1122 - Conduct of administrative law judges.
§ 4.1123 - Notice of hearing.
§ 4.1124 - Certification of interlocutory ruling.
§ 4.1125 - Summary decision.
§ 4.1126 - Proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law.
§ 4.1127 - Initial orders and decisions.
§ 4.1128 - Effect of initial order or decision.
§ 4.1129 - Certification of record.