§ 2932.12 - When may BLM waive the requirement to obtain a permit?  

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  • § 2932.12 When may BLM waive the requirement to obtain a permit?

    We may waive the requirement to obtain a permit if:

    (a) The use or event begins and ends on non-public lands or related waters, traverses less than 1 mile of public lands or 1 shoreline mile, and poses no threat of appreciable damage to public land or water resource values;

    (b) BLM sponsors or co-sponsors the use. This includes any activity or event that BLM is involved in organizing and hosting, or sharing responsibility for, arranged through authorizing letters or written agreements; or

    (c) The use is a competitive event that -

    (1) Is not commercial;

    (2) Does not award cash prizes;

    (3) Is not publicly advertised;

    (4) Poses no appreciable risk for damage to public land or related water resource values; and

    (5) Requires no specific management or monitoring.

    (d) The use is an organized group activity or event that -

    (1) Is not commercial;

    (2) Is not publicly advertised;

    (3) Poses no appreciable risk for damage to public land or related water resource values; and

    (4) Requires no specific management or monitoring.