§ 3715.2-1 - What additional characteristic(s) must my occupancy have?  

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  • § 3715.2-1 What additional characteristic(s) must my occupancy have?

    In addition to the requirements specified in § 3715.2, your occupancy must involve one or more of the following:

    (a) Protecting exposed, concentrated or otherwise accessible valuable minerals from theft or loss;

    (b) Protecting from theft or loss appropriate, operable equipment which is regularly used, is not readily portable, and cannot be protected by means other than occupancy;

    (c) Protecting the public from appropriate, operable equipment which is regularly used, is not readily portable, and if left unattended, creates a hazard to public safety;

    (d) Protecting the public from surface uses, workings, or improvements which, if left unattended, create a hazard to public safety; or

    (e) Being located in an area so isolated or lacking in physical access as to require the mining claimant, operator, or workers to remain on site in order to work a full shift of a usual and customary length. A full shift is ordinarily 8 hours and does not include travel time to the site from a community or area in which housing may be obtained.