Part 2519 - Higher Education Innovative Programs for Community Service  

Subpart A - Purpose and Eligibility To Apply
§ 2519.100 - What is the purpose of the Higher Education programs?
§ 2519.110 - Who may apply for a grant?
§ 2519.120 - What is the Federal Work-Study requirement?
Subpart B - Use of Grant Funds
§ 2519.200 - How may grant funds be used?
Subpart C - Participant Eligibility and Benefits
§ 2519.300 - Who may participate in a Higher Education program?
§ 2519.310 - Is a participant eligible to receive an AmeriCorps educational award?
§ 2519.320 - May a program provide a stipend to a participant?
Subpart D - Application Contents
§ 2519.400 - What must an applicant include in an application for a grant?
Subpart E - Application Review
§ 2519.500 - How does the Corporation review an application?
Subpart F - Distribution of Funds
§ 2519.600 - How are funds for Higher Education programs distributed?
Subpart G - Funding Requirements
§ 2519.700 - Are matching funds required?
§ 2519.710 - Are there limits on the use of funds?
§ 2519.720 - What is the length of a grant?
§ 2519.730 - May an applicant submit more than one application to the Corporation for the same project at the same time?
Subpart H - Evaluation Requirements
§ 2519.800 - What are the evaluation requirements for Higher Education programs?