Part 287 - The Native Employment Works (New) Program  

Subpart A - General NEW Provisions
§ 287.1 - What does this part cover?
§ 287.5 - What is the purpose and scope of the NEW Program?
§ 287.10 - What definitions apply to this part?
Subpart B - Eligible Tribes
§ 287.15 - Which Tribes are eligible to apply for NEW Program grants?
§ 287.20 - May a Public Law 102-477 Tribe operate a NEW Program?
§ 287.25 - May Tribes form a consortium to operate a NEW Program?
§ 287.30 - If an eligible consortium breaks up, what happens to the NEW Program grant?
Subpart C - NEW Program Funding
§ 287.35 - What grant amounts are available under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) for the NEW Program?
§ 287.40 - Are there any matching funds requirements with the NEW Program?
§ 287.45 - How can NEW Program funds be used?
§ 287.50 - What are the funding periods for NEW Program grants?
§ 287.55 - What time frames and guidelines apply regarding the obligation and liquidation periods for NEW Program funds?
§ 287.60 - Are there additional financial reporting and auditing requirements?
§ 287.65 - What OMB circulars apply to the NEW Program?
Subpart D - Plan Requirements
§ 287.70 - What are the plan requirements for the NEW Program?
§ 287.75 - When does the plan become effective?
§ 287.80 - What is the process for plan review and approval?
§ 287.85 - How is a NEW plan amended?
§ 287.90 - Are Tribes required to complete any certifications?
§ 287.95 - May a Tribe operate both a NEW Program and a Tribal TANF program?
§ 287.100 - Must a Tribe that operates both NEW and Tribal TANF programs submit two separate plans?
Subpart E - Program Design and Operations
§ 287.105 - What provisions of the Social Security Act govern the NEW Program?
§ 287.110 - Who is eligible to receive assistance or services under a Tribe's NEW Program?
§ 287.115 - When a NEW grantee serves TANF recipients, what coordination should take place with the Tribal or State TANF agency?
§ 287.120 - What work activities may be provided under the NEW Program?
§ 287.125 - What supportive and job retention services may be provided under the NEW Program?
§ 287.130 - Can NEW Program activities include job market assessments, job creation and economic development activities?
§ 287.135 - Are bonuses, rewards and stipends allowed for participants in the NEW Program?
§ 287.140 - With whom should the Tribe coordinate in the operation of its work activities and services?
§ 287.145 - What measures will be used to determine NEW Program outcomes?
Subpart F - Data Collection and Reporting Requirements
§ 287.150 - Are there data collection requirements for Tribes that operate a NEW Program?
§ 287.155 - What reports must a grantee file with the Department about its NEW Program operations?
§ 287.160 - What reports must a grantee file regarding financial operations?
§ 287.165 - What are the data collection and reporting requirements for Public Law 102-477 Tribes that consolidate a NEW Program with other programs?
§ 287.170 - What are the data collection and reporting requirements for a Tribe that operates both the NEW Program and a Tribal TANF program?