Chapter IV—Federal Maritime Commission

SubChapter A—General and Administrative Provisions
Part 500 - [Reserved]
Part 501 - the Federal Maritime Commission—General
Part 502 - Rules of Practice and Procedure
Part 503 - Public Information
Part 504 - Procedures for Environmental Policy Analysis
Part 505 - Administrative Offset
Part 506 - Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment
Part 507 - Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Federal Maritime Commission
Part 508 - Employee Ethical Conduct Standards and Financial Disclosure Regulations
SubChapter B—Regulations Affecting Ocean Shipping in Foreign Commerce
Part 515 - Licensing, Registration, Financial Responsibility Requirements and General Duties for Ocean Transportation Intermediaries
Part 520 - Carrier Automated Tariffs
Part 525 - Marine Terminal Operator Schedules
Part 530 - Service Contracts
Part 531 - NVOCC Service Arrangements
Part 532 - NVOCC Negotiated Rate Arrangements
Part 535 - Ocean Common Carrier and Marine Terminal Operator Agreements Subject to the Shipping Act of 1984
Part 540 - Passenger Vessel Financial Responsibility
Part 545 - Interpretations and Statements of Policy
Part 541 - Demurrage and Detention
SubChapter C — Regulations and Actions to Address Restrictive Foreign Maritime Practices
Part 550 - Regulations to Adjust or Meet Conditions Unfavorable to Shipping in the Foreign Trade of the United States
Part 551 - Actions to Adjust or Meet Conditions Unfavorable to Shipping in the U.S. Foreign Trade
Part 555 - Actions to Address Adverse Conditions Affecting U.S.-Flag Carriers That Do Not Exist for Foreign Carriers in the United States
Part 560 - Actions to Address Conditions Unduly Impairing Access of U.S.-Flag Vessels to Ocean Trade Between Foreign Ports
Part 565 - Controlled Carriers
Parts 566--599 - [Reserved]
SubChapter D - Regulations Affecting Maritime Carriers and Related Activities in Foreign Commerce