Subpart D - Training Courses and Programs  

§ 10.401 - Applicability.
§ 10.402 - Approval of training courses.
§ 10.403 - General standards.
§ 10.404 - Substitution of training for required service, use of training-record books (TRBs), and use of towing officer assessment records (TOARs).
§ 10.405 - Qualification as qualified assessor (QA) and designated examiner (DE).
§ 10.406 - Approved courses.
§ 10.407 - Approval of training programs.
§ 10.408 - Coast Guard-accepted training other than approved courses and programs.
§ 10.409 - Coast Guard-accepted Quality Standard System (QSS) organizations.
§ 10.410 - Quality Standard System (QSS) requirements.
§ 10.411 - Simulator performance standards.
§ 10.412 - Distance and e-learning.
§ 10.414 - Service requirements for mate of ocean steam or motor vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons.
§ 10.416 - Service requirements for mate of near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons.
§ 10.418 - Service requirements for master of ocean or near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 500 gross tons.
§ 10.420 - Service requirements for mate of ocean steam or motor vessels of not more than 500 gross tons.
§ 10.421 - Service requirements for mate of near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 500 gross tons.
§ 10.422 - Tonnage limitations and qualifying requirements for licenses as master or mate of vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.424 - Service requirements for master of ocean steam or motor vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.426 - Service requirements for master of near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.427 - Service requirements for mate of near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.428 - Service requirements for master of near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 100 gross tons.
§ 10.429 - Service requirements for limited master of near coastal steam or motor vessels of not more than 100 gross tons.
§ 10.430 - Licenses for the Great Lakes and inland waters.
§ 10.431 - Tonnage requirements for Great Lakes and inland licenses for vessels of over 1600 gross tons.
§ 10.433 - Service requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.
§ 10.435 - Service requirements for master of inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.
§ 10.437 - Service requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of any gross tons.
§ 10.442 - Service requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons.
§ 10.444 - Service requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 1600 gross tons.
§ 10.446 - Service requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 500 gross tons.
§ 10.448 - Service requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 500 gross tons.
§ 10.450 - Tonnage limitations and qualifying requirements for licenses as master or mate of Great Lakes and inland vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.452 - Service requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.454 - Service requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 200 gross tons.
§ 10.455 - Service requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 100 gross tons.
§ 10.456 - Service requirements for limited master of Great Lakes and inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 100 gross tons.
§ 10.457 - Service requirements for master of inland steam or motor vessels of not more than 100 gross tons.
§ 10.459 - Service requirements for master or mate of rivers.
§ 10.462 - Licenses for master or mate of uninspected fishing industry vessels.
§ 10.463 - General requirements for licenses for master, mate (pilot), and apprentice mate (steersman) of towing vessels.
§ 10.464 - Requirements for licenses as master of towing vessels.
§ 10.465 - Requirements for licenses as mate (pilot) of towing vessels.
§ 10.466 - Requirements for licenses as apprentice mate (steersman) of towing vessels.
§ 10.467 - Licenses for operators of uninspected passenger vessels of less than 100 gross tons.
§ 10.468 - Licenses for mobile offshore drilling units.
§ 10.470 - Licenses for offshore installation manager.
§ 10.472 - License for barge supervisor.
§ 10.474 - License for ballast control operator.
§ 10.476 - Acknowledgments of service and temporary licenses for mobile offshore drilling units.
§ 10.480 - Radar observer.
§ 10.482 - Assistance towing.
§ 10.491 - Licenses for service on offshore supply vessels.
§ 10.493 - Master (OSV).
§ 10.495 - Chief Mate (OSV).
§ 10.497 - Mate (OSV).