§ 128.240 - Hydraulic or pneumatic power and control - materials and pressure design.

Latest version.
  • § 128.240 Hydraulic or pneumatic power and control - materials and pressure design.

    (a) Each standard piping component (such as pipe runs, fittings, flanges, and standard valves) for hydraulic or pneumatic power and control systems must meet the requirements for materials and pressure design of § 128.110, 128.210, or 128.220 of this part, as appropriate.

    (b) Any non-standard hydraulic or pneumatic component (such as control valves, check valves, relief valves, and regulators) may be accepted by the cognizant OCMI or the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, if the component is certified by the manufacturer as suitable for marine service and if -

    (1) The component meets each of the requirements for materials and pressure design of subparts 56.60 and 58.30 of this chapter and if its service is limited to the manufacturer's rated pressure; or

    (2) The service of the component is limited to 12 the manufacturer's recommended maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) or 110 the component's burst pressure. Burst-pressure testing is described in ANSI B 31.1, Paragraph 104.7.A, and must be conducted to comply with Paragraph A-22, Section I, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Written certification of results of burst-pressure testing must be submitted with the plans required by § 127.110(d) of this subchapter.