Part 153 - Ships Carrying Bulk Liquid, Liquefied Gas, or Compressed Gas Hazardous Materials  

Subpart A - General
§ 153.0 - Availability of materials.
§ 153.1 - Applicability.
§ 153.2 - Definitions and acronyms.
§ 153.3 - Right of appeal.
§ 153.4 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 153.7 - Ships built before December 27, 1977 and non-self-propelled ships built before July 1, 1983: Application.
§ 153.8 - Procedures for requesting an endorsed Certificate of Inspection.
§ 153.9 - Foreign flag vessel endorsement application.
§ 153.10 - Procedures for requesting alternatives and waivers; termination of waivers.
§ 153.12 - IMO Certificates for United States Ships.
§ 153.15 - Conditions under which the Coast Guard issues a Certificate of Inspection or Certificate of Compliance.
§ 153.16 - Requirements for foreign flag vessel permits.
§ 153.30 - Special area endorsement.
§ 153.40 - Determination of materials that are hazardous.
Subpart B - Design and Equipment
Special Requirements for Flammable or Combustible Cargoes
§ 153.460 - Fire protection systems.
§ 153.461 - Electrical bonding of independent tanks.
§ 153.462 - Static discharges from inert gas systems.
§ 153.463 - Vent system discharges.
§ 153.465 - Flammable vapor detector.
§ 153.466 - Electrical equipment.
Cargo Gauging Systems
§ 153.400 - General requirements for gauges.
§ 153.404 - Standards for containment systems having required closed gauges.
§ 153.406 - Standards for containment systems having required restricted gauges.
§ 153.407 - Special requirements for sounding tube gauges.
§ 153.408 - Tank overflow control.
§ 153.409 - High level alarms.
Cargo Handling Space Ventilation
§ 153.310 - Ventilation system type.
§ 153.312 - Ventilation system standards.
§ 153.314 - Ventilation of spaces not usually occupied.
§ 153.316 - Special cargo pumproom ventilation rate.
Special Requirements
§ 153.500 - Inert gas systems.
§ 153.501 - Requirement for dry inert gas.
§ 153.515 - Special requirements for extremely flammable cargoes.
§ 153.520 - Special requirements for carbon disulfide.
§ 153.525 - Special requirements for unusually toxic cargoes.
§ 153.526 - Toxic vapor detectors.
§ 153.527 - Toxic vapor protection.
§ 153.530 - Special requirements for alkylene oxides.
§ 153.545 - Special requirements for liquid sulfur.
§ 153.554 - Special requirements for acids.
§ 153.555 - Special requirements for inorganic acids.
§ 153.556 - Special requirements for sulfuric acid and oleum.
§ 153.557 - Special requirements for hydrochloric acid.
§ 153.558 - Special requirements for phosphoric acid.
§ 153.559 - Special requirements for nitric acid (less than 70 percent).
§ 153.560 - Special requirements for Alkyl (C7-C9) nitrates.
§ 153.565 - Special requirement for temperature sensors.
§ 153.602 - Special requirements for cargoes reactive with water.
Cargo Pumprooms
§ 153.330 - Access.
§ 153.332 - Hoisting arrangement.
§ 153.333 - Cargo pump discharge pressure gauge.
§ 153.334 - Bilge pumping systems.
§ 153.336 - Special cargo pump or pumproom requirements.
Piping Systems and Cargo Handling Equipment
§ 153.280 - Piping system design.
§ 153.281 - Piping to independent tanks.
§ 153.282 - Cargo filling lines.
§ 153.283 - Valving for cargo piping.
§ 153.284 - Characteristics of required quick closing valves.
§ 153.285 - Valving for cargo pump manifolds.
§ 153.292 - Separation of piping systems.
§ 153.294 - Marking of piping systems.
§ 153.296 - Emergency shutdown stations.
§ 153.297 - Emergency actuators at the point of cargo control.
Cargo Containment Systems
§ 153.230 - Type I system.
§ 153.231 - Type II system.
§ 153.232 - Type III system.
§ 153.233 - Separation of tanks from machinery, service and other spaces.
§ 153.234 - Fore and aft location.
§ 153.235 - Exceptions to cargo piping location restrictions.
§ 153.236 - Prohibited materials.
§ 153.238 - Required materials.
§ 153.239 - Use of cast iron.
§ 153.240 - Insulation.
General Vessel Requirements
§ 153.190 - Stability requirements.
§ 153.201 - Openings to accommodation, service or control spaces.
§ 153.208 - Ballast equipment.
§ 153.209 - Bilge pumping systems.
§ 153.214 - Personnel emergency and safety equipment.
§ 153.215 - Safety equipment lockers.
§ 153.216 - Shower and eyewash fountains.
§ 153.217 - Access to enclosed spaces and dedicated ballast tanks.
§ 153.219 - Access to double bottom tanks serving as dedicated ballast tanks.
Cargo Venting Systems
§ 153.350 - Location of B/3 vent discharges.
§ 153.351 - Location of 4m vent discharges.
§ 153.352 - B/3 and 4 m venting system outlets.
§ 153.353 - High velocity vents.
§ 153.354 - Venting system inlet.
§ 153.355 - PV venting systems.
§ 153.358 - Venting system flow capacity.
§ 153.360 - Venting system restriction.
§ 153.361 - Arrangements for removal of valves from venting systems having multiple relief valves.
§ 153.362 - Venting system drain.
§ 153.364 - Venting system supports.
§ 153.365 - Liquid overpressurization protection.
§ 153.368 - Pressure-vacuum valves.
§ 153.370 - Minimum relief valve setting for ambient temperature cargo tanks.
§ 153.371 - Minimum relief valve setting for refrigerated cargo tanks.
§ 153.372 - Gauges and vapor return for cargo vapor pressures exceeding 100 kPa (approx. 14.7 psia).
Design and Equipment for Pollution Control
§ 153.470 - System for discharge of NLS residue to the sea: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.480 - Stripping quantity for Category B and C NLS tanks on ships built after June 30, 1986: Categories B and C.
§ 153.481 - Stripping quantities and interim standards for Category B NLS tanks on ships built before July 1, 1986: Category B.
§ 153.482 - Stripping quantities and interim standards for Category C NLS tanks on ships built before July 1, 1986: Category C.
§ 153.483 - Restricted voyage waiver for Category B and C NLS tanks on ships built before July 1, 1986: Category B and C.
§ 153.484 - Prewash equipment.
§ 153.486 - Design and equipment for removing NLS residue by ventilation: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.488 - Design and equipment for tanks carrying high melting point NLSs: Category B.
§ 153.490 - Cargo Record Book and Approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.491 - Waiver of certain equipment for dedicated cargo tanks.
Cargo Temperature Control Systems
§ 153.430 - Heat transfer systems; general.
§ 153.432 - Cooling systems.
§ 153.434 - Heat transfer coils within a tank.
§ 153.436 - Heat transfer fluids: compatibility with cargo.
§ 153.438 - Cargo pressure or temperature alarms required.
§ 153.440 - Cargo temperature sensors.
Testing and Inspection
§ 153.806 - Loading information.
§ 153.808 - Examination required for a Certificate of Compliance.
§ 153.809 - Procedures for having the Coast Guard examine a vessel for a Certificate of Compliance.
§ 153.812 - Inspection for Certificate of Inspection.
Cargo Tanks
§ 153.250 - Double-bottom and deep tanks as cargo tanks.
§ 153.251 - Independent cargo tanks.
§ 153.252 - Special requirement for an independent cargo tank.
§ 153.254 - Cargo tank access.
§ 153.256 - Trunks, domes, and openings of cargo tanks.
§ 153.266 - Tank linings.
Subpart C - Operations
Documents and Cargo Information
§ 153.900 - Certificates and authorization to carry a bulk liquid hazardous material.
§ 153.901 - Documents: Posting, availability, and alteration.
§ 153.902 - Expiration and invalidation of the Certificate of Compliance.
§ 153.903 - Operating a United States ship in special areas: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.904 - Limitations in the endorsement.
§ 153.905 - Regulations required to be on board.
§ 153.907 - Cargo information.
§ 153.908 - Cargo viscosity and melting point information; measuring cargo temperature during discharge: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.909 - Completing the Cargo Record Book and record retention: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.910 - Cargo piping plan.
§ 153.912 - Certificate of inhibition or stabilization.
Cargo Transfer Procedures
§ 153.953 - Signals during cargo transfer.
§ 153.955 - Warning signs during cargo transfer.
§ 153.957 - Persons in charge of transferring liquid cargo in bulk or cleaning cargo tanks.
§ 153.959 - Approval to begin transfer operations required.
§ 153.964 - Discharge by gas pressurization.
§ 153.966 - Discharge by liquid displacement.
§ 153.968 - Cargo transfer conference.
§ 153.970 - Cargo transfer piping.
§ 153.972 - Connecting a cargo hose.
§ 153.975 - Preparation for cargo transfer.
§ 153.976 - Transfer of packaged cargo or ship's stores.
§ 153.977 - Supervision of cargo transfer.
§ 153.979 - Gauging with a sounding tube.
§ 153.980 - Isolation of automatic closing valves.
§ 153.981 - Leaving room in tank for cargo expansion.
§ 153.983 - Termination procedures.
Approval of Surveyors and Handling of Categories a, B, C, and D Cargo and NLS Residue
§ 153.1100 - Responsibility of the person in charge.
§ 153.1101 - Procedures for getting a Surveyor: Approval of Surveyors.
§ 153.1102 - Handling and disposal of NLS residue: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.1104 - Draining of cargo hose: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.1106 - Cleaning agents.
§ 153.1108 - Heated prewash for solidifying NLS, high viscosity NLS and required prewashes of NLS whose viscosity exceeds 25 mPa sec at 20 °C: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.1112 - Prewash for tanks containing Category A NLS residue.
§ 153.1114 - Conditions under which a prewash may be omitted: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.1116 - Prewash for tanks unloaded without following the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual: Categories B and C.
§ 153.1118 - Prewash of Categories B and C cargo tanks not meeting stripping standards: Categories B and C.
§ 153.1119 - When to prewash and discharge NLS residues from a prewash; unloading an NLS cargo in a country whose Administration is not signatory to MARPOL 73/78: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.1120 - Procedures for tank prewash: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.1122 - Discharges of NLS residue from tank washing other than a prewash: Categories A, B, and C.
§ 153.1124 - Discharges of Category D NLS residue.
§ 153.1126 - Discharge of NLS residue from a slop tank to the sea: Categories A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.1128 - Discharge of NLS residue from a cargo tank to the sea: Categories A. B, C, and D.
§ 153.1130 - Failure of slops discharge recording equipment; operating with, reporting failures, and replacing pollution equipment: Category A, B, C, D.
§ 153.1132 - Reporting spills and non-complying discharges: Category A, B, C, and D.
§ 153.1500 - Venting system rupture disks.
§ 153.1502 - Fixed ballast relocation.
§ 153.1504 - Inspection of personnel emergency and safety equipment.
General Vessel Safety
§ 153.930 - Cargo antidotes.
§ 153.931 - Obstruction of pumproom ladderways.
§ 153.932 - Goggles and protective clothing.
§ 153.933 - Chemical protective clothing.
§ 153.934 - Entry into spaces containing cargo vapor.
§ 153.935 - Opening of tanks and cargo sampling.
§ 153.936 - Illness, alcohol, drugs.
§ 153.935a - Storage of cargo samples.
Marking of Cargo Transfer Hose
§ 153.940 - Standards for marking of cargo hose.
Special Cargo Procedures
§ 153.1000 - Special operating requirements for cargoes reactive with water.
§ 153.1002 - Special operating requirements for heat sensitive cargoes.
§ 153.1003 - Prohibited carriage in deck tanks.
§ 153.1004 - Inhibited and stabilized cargoes.
§ 153.1010 - Alkylene oxides.
§ 153.1011 - Changing containment systems and hoses to and from alkylene oxide service.
§ 153.1020 - Unusually toxic cargoes.
§ 153.1025 - Motor fuel antiknock compounds.
§ 153.1035 - Acetone cyanohydrin or lactonitrile solutions.
§ 153.1040 - Carbon disulfide.
§ 153.1045 - Inorganic acids.
§ 153.1046 - Sulfuric acid.
§ 153.1052 - Carriage of other cargoes in acid tanks.
§ 153.1060 - Benzene.
§ 153.1065 - Sodium chlorate solutions.
General Cargo Operational Requirements
§ 153.920 - Cargo quantity limitations.
§ 153.921 - Explosives.
§ 153.923 - Inerting systems.
Subpart D - Test and Calculation Procedures for Determining Stripping Quantity, Clingage NLS Residue, and Total NLS Residue
§ 153.1600 - Equipment required for conducting the stripping quantity test.
§ 153.1602 - Test procedure for determining the stripping quantity.
§ 153.1604 - Determining the stripping quantity from the test results.
§ 153.1608 - Calculation of total NLS residue and clingage NLS residue.
Appendix II - Metric Units Used in Part 153
Table 1 to Part 153 - Summary of Minimum Requirements
Table 2 to Part 153 - Cargoes Not Regulated Under Subchapters D or O of This Chapter When Carried in Bulk on Non-oceangoing Barges
Appendix I to Part 153
Appendix I to Part 153 - [Reserved]
Appendix II to Part 153 - Metric Units Used in Part 153