Part 161 - Electrical Equipment  

Subpart 161.001 - XXX
Subpart 161.002 - Fire Detection Systems
§ 161.002-1 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 161.002-2 - Definitions.
§ 161.002-3 - [Reserved]
§ 161.002-4 - General requirements.
§ 161.002-6 - Testing requirements.
§ 161.002-8 - Automatic fire detecting systems, general requirements.
§ 161.002-9 - Fire detection system, power supply.
§ 161.002-10 - Fire detection system control unit.
§ 161.002-12 - Manual fire alarm systems.
§ 161.002-14 - Watchman's supervisory systems.
§ 161.002-15 - Sample extraction smoke detection systems.
§ 161.002-17 - Equivalents.
§ 161.002-18 - System method of applications for type approval.
§ 161.002-19 - Device method of application for type approval.
Subpart 161.006 - Searchlights, Motor Lifeboat, for Merchant Vessels
§ 161.006-1 - Applicable specifications.
§ 161.006-2 - Type.
§ 161.006-3 - Materials and workmanship.
§ 161.006-4 - Requirements.
§ 161.006-5 - Sampling, inspections and tests.
§ 161.006-6 - Procedure for approval.
Subpart 161.008 - XXX
Subpart 161.010 - Floating Electric Waterlight
§ 161.010-1 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 161.010-2 - Design, construction, and test requirements.
§ 161.010-3 - Inspections and methods of test.
§ 161.010-4 - Procedure for approval.
Subpart 161.011 - Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacons
§ 161.011-1 - Purpose.
§ 161.011-5 - Classes.
§ 161.011-10 - EPIRB approval.
Subpart 161.012 - Personal Flotation Device Lights
§ 161.012-1 - Scope.
§ 161.012-3 - Definitions.
§ 161.012-5 - Approval procedures.
§ 161.012-7 - Construction.
§ 161.012-9 - Performance.
§ 161.012-11 - Approval tests.
§ 161.012-13 - Production tests and inspections.
§ 161.012-15 - Markings.
§ 161.012-17 - Instructions.
Subpart 161.013 - Electric Distress Light for Boats
§ 161.013-1 - Applicability.
§ 161.013-3 - General performance requirements.
§ 161.013-5 - Intensity requirements.
§ 161.013-7 - Signal requirements.
§ 161.013-9 - Independent power source.
§ 161.013-11 - Prototype test.
§ 161.013-13 - Manufacturer certification and labeling.
§ 161.013-17 - Manufacturer notification.