Part 5 - Marine Investigation Regulations - Personnel Action  

Subpart A - Purpose
§ 5.1 - Authority for regulations.
§ 5.3 - Purpose of regulations.
§ 5.5 - Purpose of administrative actions.
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 5.11 - Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
§ 5.13 - Coast Guard District.
§ 5.15 - Investigating Officer.
§ 5.19 - Administrative Law Judge.
§ 5.23 - Charge.
§ 5.25 - Specification.
§ 5.27 - Misconduct.
§ 5.29 - Negligence.
§ 5.31 - Incompetence.
§ 5.33 - Violation of law or regulation.
§ 5.35 - Conviction for a dangerous drug law violation, use of, or addiction to the use of dangerous drugs.
§ 5.40 - Credential and merchant mariner credential.
Subpart C - Statement of Policy and Interpretation
§ 5.51 - Construction of regulations.
§ 5.53 - Initiating suspension and revocation proceedings.
§ 5.55 - Time limitations for service of a complaint.
§ 5.57 - Acting under authority of Coast Guard credential or endorsement.
§ 5.59 - Offenses for which revocation of credentials or endorsements is mandatory.
§ 5.61 - Acts or offenses for which revocation of credentials is sought.
§ 5.63 - Standard of proof.
§ 5.65 - Commandant's decisions in appeal or review cases.
§ 5.67 - Physician-patient privilege.
§ 5.69 - Evidence of criminal liability.
§ 5.71 - Maritime labor disputes.
Subpart D - Investigations
§ 5.101 - Conduct of investigations.
§ 5.103 - Powers of investigating officer.
§ 5.105 - Course of action available.
§ 5.107 - Service of complaints.
Subpart E - Deposit or Surrender of Coast Guard Credential or Endorsement
§ 5.201 - Voluntary deposits in event of mental or physical incompetence.
§ 5.203 - Voluntary surrender to avoid hearing.
§ 5.205 - Return or issuance of a credential or endorsement.
Subpart F - Subpoenas
§ 5.301 - Issuance of subpoenas.
§ 5.303 - Service of subpoenas on behalf of the respondent.
§ 5.305 - Quashing a subpoena.
§ 5.307 - Enforcement.
§ 5.309 - Proof of service.
Subpart G - Witness Fees
§ 5.401 - Payment of witness fees and allowances.
Subpart H - Hearings
§ 5.501 - General.
§ 5.503 - Record of the hearing.
§ 5.505 - Public access to hearings.
§ 5.507 - Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge.
§ 5.509 - Opening the hearing.
§ 5.511 - Continuance of a hearing.
§ 5.513 - Appearances.
§ 5.515 - Failure of respondent to appear at hearing.
§ 5.517 - Witnesses excluded from hearing room.
§ 5.519 - Rights of respondent.
§ 5.521 - Verification of credential or endorsement.
§ 5.523 - Motions or objections.
§ 5.525 - Correction or amendment of charges and/or specifications.
§ 5.527 - Answer.
§ 5.529 - Opening statement of investigating officer.
§ 5.531 - Opening statement by or on behalf of the respondent.
§ 5.533 - Presentation of case where there is an admission or no contest answer.
§ 5.535 - Witnesses.
§ 5.537 - Evidence.
§ 5.539 - Burden of proof.
§ 5.541 - Official notice by Commandant and Administrative Law Judge.
§ 5.543 - Certification of extracts from shipping articles, logbooks, etc.
§ 5.545 - Weight of entries from logbooks.
§ 5.547 - Use of judgment of conviction.
§ 5.549 - Admissibility of respondent's Coast Guard records prior to entry of findings and conclusions.
§ 5.551 - Admissions by respondent.
§ 5.553 - Testimony by deposition.
§ 5.555 - Treatises.
§ 5.557 - Medical examination of respondent.
§ 5.559 - Argument.
§ 5.561 - Submission of proposed findings and conclusions.
§ 5.563 - Administrative Law Judge's findings and conclusions.
§ 5.565 - Submission of prior record and evidence in aggravation or mitigation.
§ 5.567 - Order.
§ 5.569 - Selection of an appropriate order.
§ 5.571 - Delivery of decision.
§ 5.573 - Notification of right to appeal.
§ 5.577 - Modification of Administrative Law Judge's decision and order.
Subpart I - XXX
§ 5.601 - Petition to reopen hearing.
§ 5.603 - Procedures for submitting petition.
§ 5.605 - Action on petition.
§ 5.607 - Appeal from action on petition.
Subpart J - Appeals
§ 5.701 - Appeals in general.
§ 5.703 - Procedures for appeal.
§ 5.705 - Action on appeal.
§ 5.707 - Stay of effect of decision and order of Administrative Law Judge on appeal to the Commandant; temporary credential or endorsement.
§ 5.709 - Appeal cases remanded for further proceedings.
§ 5.711 - Commandant's Decisions on Appeal.
§ 5.713 - Appeals to the National Transportation Safety Board.
§ 5.715 - Stay of effect of Decision of the Commandant on Appeal: Temporary credential and/or endorsement pending appeal to National Transportation Safety Board.
Subpart K - Review of Administrative Law Judge's Decisions in Cases Where Charges Have Been Found Proved
§ 5.801 - Commandant's review.
§ 5.803 - Record for decision on review.
§ 5.805 - Action on review.
§ 5.807 - Commandant's Decision on Review.
Subpart L - Issuance of New Credential or Endorsement After Revocation or Surrender
§ 5.901 - Time limitations.
§ 5.903 - Application procedures.
§ 5.905 - Commandant's decision on application.