§ 113.05-7 - Environmental tests.

Latest version.
  • § 113.05-7 Environmental tests.

    (a) Communication, alarm system, control, and monitoring equipment, with the exception of fire and smoke detection and alarm systems, must meet the environmental tests of—

    (1) Section 4–9–74–9–9, Table 91, of ABS Steel Marine Vessel Rules (incorporated by reference, ; see § 110.10–1 10–1 of this chaptersubchapter) or the applicable ENV category of Lloyd's Register Type Approval System—Test Specification Number 1 (incorporated by reference, ; see § 110.10–110–1 of this subchapter); and

    (2) IEC 60533:2015 (incorporated by reference, ; see § 110.10–1 10–1 of this chaptersubchapter) as appropriate.

    (b) Components of smoke detection and alarm systems must be tested in accordance with 46 CFR 161.002.

    [USCG–2012–0196USCG–2020–0075, 81 88 FR 48267, July 22, 201616369, Mar. 16, 2023]