§ 338.3 - Specifications.  

Latest version.
  • Sec. 3 Specifications.

    (a) It shall be incumbent upon the representatives of the Authority on each and every vessel requiring repairs for the account of the National Shipping Authority to prepare complete, detailed and fully descriptive specifications of the particulars of each repair item, identified in each particular case by the appropriate voyage number. Decisions of the Coast Directors' Ship Repair and Maintenance Staffs with respect to the need for any particular item in repair specifications shall be final. The specifications for voyage repairs shall itemize the work involved and shall be numbered consecutively and shall be arranged in accordance with the group classification set forth in section 18 of this order with the segregation by the three departments, namely, deck, engine and steward.

    (b) The specifications shall in their final written form be explicit in every respect and shall include drydocking, if required, as well as all other items of work known to be required or discernible through visual inspection and examination regardless of the fact that later decision may be made to eliminate or defer some of the items of work. In no case shall an item of work, the accomplishment of which is problematical, be so identified or segregated in the specifications. Resorting to such general phraseology as “overhaul as necessary,” “open up for examination and repair or renew as necessary,” “repair or renew,” etc., shall not be permitted in preparing and writing the specifications.

    (c) Where an exact and final determination of the extent of the work cannot be ascertained until an examination has been made, the particular items involved shall so specify and the specifications with respect to said items shall be limited to such examinations as are necessary.

    (d) If it is desired by the representatives of the Authority to change any item in the specifications after the specifications have been issued to bid such changes shall be reduced to writing and shall be distributed to the invited bidders at least by such time prior to the time originally specified for the opening of bids as shall reasonably permit the bidders to revise their estimates. If determined to be necessary or desirable under the circumstances, the representative of the Authority may extend the time for opening of bids.

    (e) Any exceptions taken to the specifications by a prospective bidder shall be made known to the represent- ative of the Authority prior to the time specified for opening the bids. If it is finally determined by the representative of the Authority that the exceptions are justified, then the procedure set forth in the preceding sub-paragraph shall be followed. Exceptions accompanying bids not processed as herein prescribed, but made known at the time the bids are opened will not be acceptable, and will be a cause for rejecting such bids.

    (f) When it is anticipated that the cost of a job will be in excess of a Coast Director's delegated authority, one (1) copy of specifications, and in case of bids a copy of Invitation for Bids, Instructions to Bidders and listing of contractors invited to bid shall be forwarded to the Chief, Division of Ship Repair and Maintenance, Washington, DC, simultaneously with the specifications being issued to the contractors.

    (g) In all cases where materials, parts or equipment are required in connection with the performance of any particular repair item the representatives of the Authority shall utilize to the fullest possible extent spares and replacement parts stocked in Maritime Administration warehouses. Prior to arranging for the purchase or furnishing of repair parts by repair contractors, it shall be the responsibility of the representatives of the Authority awarding work to determine that the required parts are not available in the Maritime Administration warehouse in the area involved, contingent upon the urgency of the particular situation, ship's sailing schedule, etc.