§ 401.430 - Prohibited charges.  

Latest version.
  • § 401.430 Prohibited charges.

    No rate or charge shall be applied against any vessel, owner or master thereof, by a registered pilot which differs from the rates and charges set forth in this part, nor shall any rates or charges be made for services performed by a registered pilot, or for support services directly related to the provision of pilotage that a registered pilot requires a vessel to utilize, other than those for which a rate is prescribed in this part, without the approval of the Director.

    [CGD 88-111, 55 FR 17581, Apr. 25, 1990. Redesignated at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, June 29, 1998]