Part 76 - Multichannel Video and Cable Television Service  

Subpart A - General
§ 76.1 - Purpose.
§ 76.3 - Other pertinent rules.
§ 76.5 - Definitions.
§ 76.6 - General pleading requirements.
§ 76.7 - General special relief, waiver, enforcement, complaint, show cause, forfeiture, and declaratory ruling procedures.
§ 76.8 - Status conference.
§ 76.9 - Confidentiality of proprietary information.
§ 76.10 - Review.
§ 76.11 - Lockbox enforcement.
Subpart B - Registration Statements
§ 76.29 - Special temporary authority.
Subpart C - Cable Franchising
§ 76.41 - Franchise application process.
§ 76.42 - xxx
§ 76.43 - xxx
Subpart D - Carriage of Television Broadcast Signals
§ 76.51 - Major television markets.
§ 76.53 - Reference points.
§ 76.54 - Significantly viewed signals; method to be followed for special showings.
§ 76.55 - Definitions applicable to the must-carry rules.
§ 76.56 - Signal carriage obligations.
§ 76.57 - Channel positioning.
§ 76.59 - Modification of television markets.
§ 76.60 - Compensation for carriage.
§ 76.61 - Disputes concerning carriage.
§ 76.62 - Manner of carriage.
§ 76.64 - Retransmission consent.
§ 76.65 - Good faith and exclusive retransmission consent complaints.
§ 76.66 - Satellite broadcast signal carriage.
§ 76.70 - Exemption from input selector switch rules.
Subpart E - Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements
§ 76.71 - Scope of application.
§ 76.73 - General EEO policy.
§ 76.75 - Specific EEO program requirements.
§ 76.77 - Reporting requirements and enforcement.
§ 76.79 - Records available for public inspection.
Subpart F - Network Non-duplication Protection, Syndicated Exclusivity and Sports Blackout
§ 76.92 - Cable network non-duplication; extent of protection.
§ 76.93 - Parties entitled to network non-duplication protection.
§ 76.94 - Notification.
§ 76.95 - Exceptions.
§ 76.101 - Cable syndicated program exclusivity: extent of protection.
§ 76.103 - Parties entitled to syndicated exclusivity.
§ 76.105 - Notification.
§ 76.106 - Exceptions.
§ 76.107 - Exclusivity contracts.
§ 76.108 - Indemnification contracts.
§ 76.109 - Requirements for invocation of protection.
§ 76.110 - Substitutions.
§ 76.111 - Cable sports blackout.
§ 76.120 - Network non-duplication protection and syndicated exclusivity rules for satellite carriers: Definitions.
§ 76.122 - Satellite network non-duplication.
§ 76.123 - Satellite syndicated program exclusivity.
§ 76.124 - Requirements for invocation of protection.
§ 76.125 - Indemnification contracts.
§ 76.127 - Satellite sports blackout.
§ 76.128 - Application of sports blackout rules.
§ 76.130 - Substitutions.
Subpart G - Cablecasting
§ 76.205 - Origination cablecasts by legally qualified candidates for public office; equal opportunities.
§ 76.206 - Candidate rates.
§ 76.209 - Fairness doctrine; personal attacks; political editorials.
§ 76.213 - Lotteries.
§ 76.225 - Commercial limits in children's programs.
§ 76.227 - [Reserved]
Subpart H - General Operating Requirements
§ 76.305 - Records to be maintained locally by cable system operators for public inspection.
§ 76.309 - Customer service obligations.
§ 76.310 - Truth in billing and advertising.
Subpart I - Forms and Reports
§ 76.403 - Cable television system reports.
Subpart J - Ownership of Cable Systems
§ 76.501 - Cross-ownership.
§ 76.502 - Time limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications.
§ 76.503 - National subscriber limits.
§ 76.504 - Limits on carriage of vertically integrated programming.
§ 76.505 - Prohibition on buy outs.
Subpart K - Technical Standards
§ 76.601 - Performance tests.
§ 76.602 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 76.605 - Technical standards.
§ 76.606 - Closed captioning.
§ 76.607 - Transmission of commercial advertisements.
§ 76.609 - Measurements.
§ 76.610 - Operation in the frequency bands 108-137 MHz and 225-400 MHz - scope of application.
§ 76.611 - Cable television basic signal leakage performance criteria.
§ 76.612 - Cable television frequency separation standards.
§ 76.613 - Interference from a multichannel video programming distributor (MVPD).
§ 76.614 - Cable television system regular monitoring.
§ 76.616 - Operation near certain aeronautical and marine emergency radio frequencies.
§ 76.617 - Responsibility for interference.
§ 76.618 - Grandfathering.
§ 76.619 - Grandfathered Operation in the frequency bands 108-136 and 225-400 MHz.
§ 76.620 - Non-cable multichannel video programming distributors (MVPDs).
§ 76.630 - Compatibility with consumer electronics equipment.
§ 76.640 - Support for unidirectional digital cable products on digital cable systems.
§§ 76.618--76.620 - [Reserved]
Subpart L - Cable Television Access
§ 76.701 - Leased access channels.
§ 76.702 - Public access.
Subpart M - Cable Inside Wiring
§ 76.800 - Definitions.
§ 76.801 - Scope.
§ 76.802 - Disposition of cable home wiring.
§ 76.804 - Disposition of home run wiring.
§ 76.805 - Access to molding.
§ 76.806 - Pre-termination access to cable home wiring.
Subpart N - Cable Rate Regulation
§ 76.901 - Definitions.
§ 76.905 - Standards for identification of cable systems subject to effective competition.
§ 76.906 - Presumption of effective competition.
§ 76.907 - Petition for a determination of effective competition.
§ 76.910 - Franchising authority certification.
§ 76.911 - Petition for reconsideration of certification.
§ 76.912 - Joint certification.
§ 76.913 - Assumption of jurisdiction by the Commission.
§ 76.914 - Revocation of certification.
§ 76.916 - Petition for recertification.
§ 76.917 - Notification of certification withdrawal.
§ 76.920 - Composition of the basic tier.
§ 76.921 - Buy-through of other tiers prohibited.
§ 76.922 - Rates for the basic service tier and cable programming services tiers.
§ 76.923 - Rates for equipment and installation used to receive the basic service tier.
§ 76.924 - Allocation to service cost categories.
§ 76.925 - Costs of franchise requirements.
§ 76.930 - Initiation of review of basic cable service and equipment rates.
§ 76.933 - Franchising authority review of basic cable rates and equipment costs.
§ 76.934 - Small systems and small cable companies.
§ 76.935 - Participation of interested parties.
§ 76.936 - Written decision.
§ 76.937 - Burden of proof.
§ 76.938 - Proprietary information.
§ 76.939 - Truthful written statements and responses to requests of franchising authority.
§ 76.940 - Prospective rate reduction.
§ 76.941 - Rate prescription.
§ 76.942 - Refunds.
§ 76.943 - Fines.
§ 76.944 - Commission review of franchising authority decisions on rates for the basic service tier and associated equipment.
§ 76.945 - Procedures for Commission review of basic service rates.
§ 76.946 - Advertising of rates.
§ 76.950 - Complaints regarding cable programming service rates.
§ 76.951 - Standard complaint form; other filing requirements.
§ 76.952 - Information to be provided by cable operator on monthly subscriber bills.
§ 76.953 - Limitation on filing a complaint.
§ 76.954 - Initial review of complaint; minimum showing requirement; dismissal of defective complaints.
§ 76.955 - Additional opportunity to file corrected complaint.
§ 76.956 - Cable operator response.
§ 76.957 - Commission adjudication of the complaint.
§ 76.960 - Prospective rate reductions.
§ 76.961 - Refunds.
§ 76.962 - Implementation and certification of compliance.
§ 76.963 - Forfeiture.
§ 76.970 - Commercial leased access rates.
§ 76.971 - Commercial leased access terms and conditions.
§ 76.972 - Customer service standards.
§ 76.975 - Commercial leased access dispute resolution.
§ 76.977 - Minority and educational programming used in lieu of designated commercial leased access capacity.
§ 76.978 - Leased access annual reporting requirement.
§ 76.980 - Charges for customer changes.
§ 76.981 - Negative option billing.
§ 76.982 - Continuation of rate agreements.
§ 76.983 - Discrimination.
§ 76.984 - Geographically uniform rate structure.
§ 76.985 - Subscriber bill itemization.
§ 76.986 - “A la carte” offerings.
§ 76.987 - New product tiers.
§ 76.990 - Small cable operators.
Subpart O - Competitive Access to Cable Programming
§ 76.1000 - Definitions.
§ 76.1001 - Unfair practices generally.
§ 76.1002 - Specific unfair practices prohibited.
§ 76.1003 - Program access proceedings
§ 76.1004 - Applicability of program access rules to common carriers and affiliates.
§§ 76.1005--76.1010 - [Reserved]
Subpart P - Competitive Availability of Navigation Devices
§ 76.1200 - Definitions.
§ 76.1201 - Rights of subscribers to use or attach navigation devices.
§ 76.1202 - Availability of navigation devices.
§ 76.1203 - Incidence of harm.
§ 76.1204 - Availability of equipment performing conditional access or security functions.
§ 76.1205 - Availability of interface information.
§ 76.1206 - Equipment sale or lease charge subsidy prohibition.
§ 76.1207 - Waivers.
§ 76.1208 - Sunset of regulations.
§ 76.1209 - Theft of service.
§ 76.1210 - Effect on other rules.
Subpart Q - Regulation of Carriage Agreements
§ 76.1300 - Definitions.
§ 76.1301 - Prohibited practices.
§ 76.1302 - Carriage agreement proceedings.
§§ 76.1303--76.1305 - [Reserved]
Subpart R - Telecommunications Act Implementation
§ 76.1400 - Purpose.
§ 76.1402 - CPST rate complaints.
§ 76.1404 - Use of cable facilities by local exchange carriers.
Subpart S - Open Video Systems
§ 76.1500 - Definitions.
§ 76.1501 - Qualifications to be an open video system operator.
§ 76.1502 - Certification.
§ 76.1503 - Carriage of video programming providers on open video systems.
§ 76.1504 - Rates, terms and conditions for carriage on open video systems.
§ 76.1505 - Public, educational and governmental access.
§ 76.1506 - Carriage of television broadcast signals.
§ 76.1507 - Competitive access to satellite cable programming.
§ 76.1508 - Network non-duplication.
§ 76.1509 - Syndicated program exclusivity.
§ 76.1510 - Application of certain Title VI provisions.
§ 76.1511 - Fees.
§ 76.1512 - Programming information.
§ 76.1513 - Open video dispute resolution.
§ 76.1514 - Bundling of video and local exchange services.
Subpart T - Notices
§ 76.1600 - Electronic delivery of notices.
§ 76.1601 - Deletion or repositioning of broadcast signals.
§ 76.1602 - Customer service - general information.
§ 76.1603 - Customer service - rate and service changes.
§ 76.1604 - Charges for customer service changes.
§ 76.1605 - New product tier.
§ 76.1606 - Rate change while complaint pending.
§ 76.1607 - Principal headend.
§ 76.1608 - System technical integration requiring uniform election of must-carry or retransmission consent status.
§ 76.1609 - Non-duplication and syndicated exclusivity.
§ 76.1610 - Change of operational information.
§ 76.1611 - Political cable rates and classes of time.
§ 76.1612 - Personal attack.
§ 76.1613 - Political editorials.
§ 76.1614 - Identification of must-carry signals.
§ 76.1615 - Sponsorship identification.
§ 76.1616 - Contracts with local exchange carriers.
§ 76.1617 - Initial must-carry notice.
§ 76.1618 - Basic tier availability.
§ 76.1619 - Information on subscriber bills.
§ 76.1620 - Availability of signals.
§ 76.1621 - [Reserved]
§ 76.1622 - [Reserved]
§ 76.1630 - MVPD digital television transition notices.
§§ 76.1621--76.1622 - [Reserved]
Subpart U - Documents to be Maintained for Inspection
§ 76.1700 - Records to be maintained by cable system operators.
§ 76.1701 - Political file.
§ 76.1702 - Equal employment opportunity.
§ 76.1703 - Commercial records on children's programs.
§ 76.1704 - Proof-of-performance test data.
§ 76.1705 - [Reserved]
§ 76.1706 - Signal leakage logs and repair records.
§ 76.1707 - Leased access.
§ 76.1708 - [Reserved]
§ 76.1709 - Availability of signals.
§ 76.1710 - Operator interests in video programming.
§ 76.1711 - Emergency alert system (EAS) tests and activation.
§ 76.1712 - Open video system (OVS) requests for carriage.
§ 76.1713 - Complaint resolution.
§ 76.1714 - Familiarity with FCC rules.
§ 76.1715 - Sponsorship identification.
§ 76.1716 - Subscriber records and public inspection file.
§ 76.1717 - Compliance with technical standards.
Subpart V - Reports and Filings
§ 76.1800 - Additional reports and filings.
§ 76.1801 - Registration statement.
§ 76.1802 - Annual employment report.
§ 76.1803 - Signal leakage monitoring.
§ 76.1804 - Aeronautical frequencies: leakage monitoring (CLI).
§ 76.1805 - Alternative rate regulation agreements.
Subpart W - Encoding Rules
§ 76.1901 - Applicability.
§ 76.1902 - Definitions.
§ 76.1903 - Interfaces.
§ 76.1904 - Encoding rules for defined business models.
§ 76.1905 - Petitions to modify encoding rules for new services within defined business models.
§ 76.1906 - Encoding rules for undefined business models.
§ 76.1907 - Temporary bona fide trials.
§ 76.1908 - Certain practices not prohibited.
§ 76.1909 - Redistribution control of unencrypted digital terrestrial broadcast content.
Subpart X - Access to MDUs
§ 76.2000 - Exclusive access to multiple dwelling units generally.
Alphabetical Index - Part 76