Part 171 - General Information, Regulations, and Definitions  

§ 171.5 - Temporary regulation; liquefied compressed gases in cargo tank motor vehicles.
Subpart A - Applicability, General Requirements, and North American Shipments
§ 171.1 - Applicability of Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) to persons and functions.
§ 171.2 - General requirements.
§ 171.3 - Hazardous waste.
§ 171.4 - Marine pollutants.
§ 171.6 - Control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
§ 171.7 - Reference material.
§ 171.8 - Definitions and abbreviations.
§ 171.9 - Rules of construction.
§ 171.10 - Units of measure.
§ 171.11 - [Reserved]
§ 171.12 - North American Shipments.
§ 171.14 - [Reserved]
§ 171.12a - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Incident Reporting, Notification, BOE Approvals and Authorization
§ 171.15 - Immediate notice of certain hazardous materials incidents.
§ 171.16 - Detailed hazardous materials incident reports.
§ 171.19 - Approvals or authorizations issued by the Bureau of Explosives.
§ 171.20 - Submission of Examination Reports.
§ 171.21 - Assistance in investigations and special studies.
§§ 171.17--171.18 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Authorization and Requirements for the Use of International Transport Standards and Regulations
§ 171.22 - Authorization and conditions for the use of international standards and regulations.
§ 171.23 - Requirements for specific materials and packagings transported under the ICAO Technical Instructions, IMDG Code, Transport Canada TDG Regulations, or the IAEA Regulations.
§ 171.24 - Additional requirements for the use of the ICAO Technical Instructions.
§ 171.25 - Additional requirements for the use of the IMDG Code.
§ 171.26 - Additional requirements for the use of the IAEA Regulations.