Part 218 - Railroad Operating Practices  

Subpart A - General
§ 218.1 - Purpose.
§ 218.3 - Application.
§ 218.4 - Preemptive effect.
§ 218.5 - Definitions.
§ 218.7 - Waivers.
§ 218.9 - Civil penalty.
§ 218.11 - Filing, testing, and instruction.
Subpart B - Blue Signal Protection of Workers
§ 218.21 - Scope.
§ 218.22 - Utility employee.
§ 218.23 - Blue signal display.
§ 218.24 - One-person crew.
§ 218.25 - Workers on a main track.
§ 218.27 - Workers on track other than main track.
§ 218.29 - Alternate methods of protection.
§ 218.30 - Remotely controlled switches.
Subpart C - Protection of Trains and Locomotives
§ 218.31 - Scope.
§ 218.35 - Yard limits.
§ 218.37 - Flag protection.
§ 218.39 - Hump operations.
§ 218.41 - Noncompliance with hump operations rule.
Subpart D - Prohibition Against Tampering With Safety Devices
§ 218.51 - Purpose.
§ 218.53 - Scope and definitions.
§ 218.55 - Tampering prohibited.
§ 218.57 - Responsibilities of individuals.
§ 218.59 - Responsibilities of railroads.
§ 218.61 - Authority to deactivate safety devices.
Subpart E - Protection of Occupied Camp Cars
§ 218.71 - Purpose and scope.
§ 218.73 - Warning signal display.
§ 218.75 - Methods of protection for camp cars.
§ 218.77 - Remotely controlled switches.
§ 218.79 - Alternative methods of protection.
§ 218.80 - Movement of occupied camp cars.
Subpart F - Handling Equipment, Switches, and Fixed Derails
§ 218.91 - Purpose and scope.
§ 218.93 - Definitions.
§ 218.95 - Instruction, training, and examination.
§ 218.97 - Good faith challenge procedures.
§ 218.99 - Shoving or pushing movements.
§ 218.101 - Leaving rolling and on-track maintenance-of-way equipment in the clear.
§ 218.103 - Hand-operated switches, including crossover switches.
§ 218.105 - Additional operational requirements for hand-operated main track switches.
§ 218.107 - Additional operational requirements for hand-operated crossover switches.
§ 218.109 - Hand-operated fixed derails.
Subpart G - Train Crew Size Safety Requirements
§ 218.121 - Purpose and scope.
§ 218.123 - General train crew size safety requirements.
§ 218.125 - Specific passenger and tourist train operation exceptions to crew size safety requirements.
§ 218.127 - Specific freight train exceptions to crew size safety requirements.
§ 218.129 - Conditional exceptions based on compliance dates for Class II and III legacy freight train operations, certain other Class II and III freight railroad train operations, work train operations, helper service train operations, and lite locomotive train operations staffed with a one-person train crew.
§ 218.131 - Special approval petition requirements for train operations staffed with a one-person train crew.
§ 218.133 - Risk assessment content and procedures.
§ 218.135 - Special approval procedure.
§ 218.137 - Annual railroad responsibilities after receipt of special approval.
Appendix A to Part 218
Appendix A to Part 218 - Schedule of Civil Penalties 1
Appendix B to Part 218 - Statement of Agency Enforcement Policy on Blue Signal Protection for Utility Employees
Appendix C to Part 218 - —Statement of Agency Enforcement Policy on Tampering
Appendix D to Part 218 - Requirements and Considerations for Implementing Technology Aided Point Protection
Appendix E to Part 218 - —Recommended Procedures for Conducting Risk Assessments