§ 1108.26 - Arbitrators.  

Latest version.
  • § 1108.26 Arbitrators.

    (a) Decision by arbitration panel. All matters arbitrated under this subpart shall be resolved by a panel of three arbitrators.

    (b) Party-appointed arbitrators. Within two business days of filing the Joint Notice of Intent to Arbitrate, each side shall select one arbitrator as its party-appointed arbitrator and notify the opposing side of its selection.

    (1) For-cause objection to party-appointed arbitrator. Each side may object to the other side's selected arbitrator within two business days and only for cause. A party may make a for-cause objection where it has reason to believe a proposed arbitrator cannot act with the good faith, impartiality, and independence required of 49 U.S.C. 11708, including due to a conflict of interest, adverse business dealings with the objecting party, or actual or perceived bias or animosity toward the objecting party.

    (i) The parties must confer over the objection within two business days.

    (ii) If the objection remains unresolved after the parties confer, the objecting party shall immediately file an Objection to Party-Appointed Arbitrator with the Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance. The Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance shall arrange for a telephonic or virtual conference to be held before an Administrative Law Judge within two business days, or as soon as is practicable, to hear arguments regarding the objection(s). The Administrative Law Judge will provide its ruling in an order to all parties by the next business day after the telephonic or virtual conference.

    (iii) The Objection to Party-Appointed Arbitrator filed with Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance and the telephonic or virtual conference, including any ruling on the objection, shall be confidential.

    (2) Costs for party-appointed arbitrators. Each side is responsible for the costs of its own party-appointed arbitrator.

    (c) Lead arbitrator -

    (1) Appointment. Once appointed, the two party-appointed arbitrators shall, without delay, select a lead arbitrator from a joint list of arbitrators provided by the parties.

    (2) Qualifications. The lead arbitrator must be a person with rail transportation, economic regulation, professional or business experience, including agriculture, in the private sector, and must have training in dispute resolution and/or experience in arbitration or other forms of dispute resolution.

    (3) Disagreement selecting the lead arbitrator. If the two party-appointed arbitrators cannot agree on a selection for the lead arbitrator, the parties will develop a joint list of potential lead arbitrators. Each side may include the names of three individuals that meet the qualification requirement of (c)(2). Both sides will then be permitted to strike the names of two individuals proposed by the opposing side. The lead arbitrator shall be selected from the two names that remain using a random selection process, which will be administrated by the Director of the Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance.

    (4) Lead arbitrator role. The lead arbitrator will be responsible for ensuring that the tasks detailed in §§ 1108.27 and 1108.29 are accomplished. The lead arbitrator shall establish all rules deemed necessary for each arbitration proceeding, including with regard to discovery, the submission of evidence, and the treatment of confidential information, subject to the requirements of the rules of this subpart.

    (5) Costs. The parties to the arbitration will share the cost of the lead arbitrator equally.

    (d) Arbitrator choice. The parties may choose their arbitrators without limitation, provided that any arbitrator chosen must be able to comply with paragraph (f) of this section. The arbitrators may, but are not required to, be selected from the STB-maintained roster described in § 1108.6(b).

    (e) Arbitrator incapacitation. If at any time during the arbitration process an arbitrator becomes incapacitated or is unwilling or unable to fulfill his or her duties, a replacement arbitrator shall be promptly selected by the following process:

    (1) If the incapacitated arbitrator was a party-appointed arbitrator, the appointing party shall, without delay, appoint a replacement arbitrator pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph (b) of this section.

    (2) If the incapacitated arbitrator was the lead arbitrator, a replacement lead arbitrator shall be appointed pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.

    (f) Arbitrator duties. In an arbitration under this subpart, the arbitrators shall perform their duties with diligence, good faith, and in a manner consistent with the requirements of impartiality and independence.