§ 1113.18 - Briefs.  

Latest version.
  • § 1113.18 Briefs.

    (a) When filed. In a proceeding which has been the subject of oral hearing, and in which briefs are to be filed, that fact will be stated by the officer on the record. The officer shall fix the time for filing briefs. Simultaneous filing will normally be required, and reply briefs will not normally be permitted.

    (b) Evidence abstract. A brief filed after a hearing may contain an abstract of the evidence relied upon by the party filing it, preferably assembled by subjects, with reference to the pages of the record, if written, or exhibit where the evidence appears. In the event the party elects not to include a separate abstract in his brief, he should give specific reference to the portions of the record, whether transcript or otherwise, relied upon in support of the respective statements of fact made throughout the brief.

    (c) Requested findings. Each brief should include such requests for specific findings, separately stated and numbered, as the party desires the Board to make.

    (d) Exhibit reproduction. Exhibits should not be reproduced in the brief, but may be shown, within reasonable limits, in an appendix to the brief. Analysis of such exhibits should be included in the brief where pertinent.

    [47 FR 49559, Nov. 1, 1982, as amended at 61 FR 52712, Oct. 8, 1996]