Title 5 - Administrative Personnel  

Chapter I—Office of Personnel Management
Chapter II—Merit Systems Protection Board
Chapter III—Office of Management and Budget
Chapter IV - Office of Personnel Management and Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Chapter V - The International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board
Chapter VI—Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Chapter VIII - Office of Special Counsel
Chapter IX - Appalachian Regional Commission
Chapter XI - Armed Forces Retirement Home
Chapter XIV—Federal Labor Relations Authority, General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal Service Impasses Panel
Chapter XVI—Office of Government Ethics
Chapter XXI - Department of the Treasury
Chapter XXII - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Chapter XXIII - Department of Energy
Chapter XXIV - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Chapter XXV - Department of the Interior
Chapter XXVI—Department of Defense
Chapter XXVIII - Department of Justice
Chapter XXIX - Federal Communications Commission
Chapter XXX - Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation
Chapter XXXI - Farm Credit Administration
Chapter XXXIII - Us International Development Finance Corporation
Chapter XXXIV—Securities and Exchange Commission
Chapter XXXV - Office of Personnel Management
Chapter XXXVI - Department of Homeland Security
Chapter XXXVII - Federal Election Commission
Chapter XL - Interstate Commerce Commission
Chapter XLI - Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Chapter XLII - Department of Labor
Chapter XLIII - National Science Foundation
Chapter XLV - Department of Health and Human Services
Chapter XLVI - Postal Rate Commission
Chapter XLVII - Federal Trade Commission
Chapter XLVIII - Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Chapter XLIX - Federal Labor Relations Authority
Chapter L - Department of Transportation
Chapter LII - Export-Import Bank of the United States
Chapter LIII - Department of Education
Chapter LIV - Environmental Protection Agency
Chapter LV - National Endowment for the Arts
Chapter LVI - National Endowment for the Humanities
Chapter LVII - General Services Administration
Chapter LVIII - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Chapter LIX - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Chapter LX—United States Postal Service
Chapter LXI - National Labor Relations Board
Chapter LXII - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Chapter LXIII - Inter-American Foundation
Chapter LXIV - Merit Systems Protection Board
Chapter LXV - Department of Housing and Urban Development
Chapter LXVI - National Archives and Records Administration
Chapter LXVII - Institute of Museum and Library Services
Chapter LXVIII - Commission on Civil Rights
Chapter LXIX - Tennessee Valley Authority
Chapter LXX - Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia
Chapter LXXI - Consumer Product Safety Commission
Chapter LXXIII - Department of Agriculture
Chapter LXXIV - Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Chapter LXXVI - Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Chapter LXXVII - Office of Management and Budget
Chapter LXXX - Federal Housing Finance Agency
Chapter LXXXIII - Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Chapter LXXXIV - Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Chapter LXXXVI - National Credit Union Administration
Chapter XCVII - Department of Homeland Security Human Resources Management System (Department of Homeland Security - Office of Personnel Management)
Chapter XCVIII - Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
Chapter XCIX - Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission
Chapter C - National Council on Disability
Chapter CI - National Mediation Board
Chapter CII - U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Chapter CIII—Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Chapter CIV - Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator
PART 10201 - SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE U.S. OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL § 10201.101 General.§ 10201.102 Prior approval for outside employment or activity.