Part 2641 - Post-Employment Conflict of Interest Restrictions  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 2641.101 - Purpose.
§ 2641.102 - Applicability.
§ 2641.103 - Enforcement and penalties.
§ 2641.104 - Definitions.
§ 2641.105 - Advice.
§ 2641.106 - Applicability of certain provisions to Vice President.
Subpart B - Prohibitions
§ 2641.201 - Permanent restriction on any former employee's representations to United States concerning particular matter in which the employee participated personally and substantially.
§ 2641.202 - Two-year restriction on any former employee's representations to United States concerning particular matter for which the employee had official responsibility.
§ 2641.203 - One-year restriction on any former employee's representations, aid, or advice concerning ongoing trade or treaty negotiation.
§ 2641.204 - One-year restriction on any former senior employee's representations to former agency concerning any matter, regardless of prior involvement.
§ 2641.205 - Two-year restriction on any former very senior employee's representations to former agency or certain officials concerning any matter, regardless of prior involvement.
§ 2641.206 - One-year restriction on any former senior or very senior employee's representations on behalf of, or aid or advice to, a foreign entity.
§ 2641.207 - One-year restriction on any former private sector assignee under the Information Technology Exchange Program representing, aiding, counseling or assisting in representing in connection with any contract with former agency.
Subpart C - Exceptions, Waivers and Separate Components
§ 2641.301 - Statutory exceptions and waivers.
§ 2641.302 - Separate agency components.
Appendix A to Part 2641 - Positions Waived From 18 U.S.C. 207(c) and (f)
Appendix B to Part 2641 - Agency Components for Purposes of 18 U.S.C. 207(c)