Subpart F - Western Pacific Pelagic Fisheries  

§ 665.81 - Permits.
§ 665.82 - Prohibitions.
§ 665.83 - Seasons.
§ 665.84 - Quotas.
§ 665.85 - Closures.
§ 665.86 - Size restrictions.
§ 665.87 - Area restrictions.
§ 665.88 - Gear restrictions.
§ 665.89 - Framework procedures.
§ 665.90 - Gold coral harvest moratorium.
§ 665.798 - Management area.
§ 665.799 - Area restrictions.
§ 665.800 - Definitions.
§ 665.801 - Permits.
§ 665.802 - Prohibitions.
§ 665.803 - Notifications.
§ 665.804 - Gear identification.
§ 665.805 - [Reserved]
§ 665.806 - Prohibited area management.
§ 665.807 - Exemptions for Hawaii longline fishing prohibited areas; procedures.
§ 665.808 - Conditions for at-sea observer coverage.
§ 665.809 - Port privileges and transiting for unpermitted U.S. longline vessels.
§ 665.810 - Prohibition of drift gillnetting.
§ 665.811 - Handling and release of oceanic whitetip sharks.
§ 665.812 - Sea turtle take mitigation measures.
§ 665.813 - Western Pacific longline fishing restrictions.
§ 665.814 - Protected species workshop.
§ 665.815 - Pelagic longline seabird mitigation measures.
§ 665.816 - American Samoa longline limited entry program.
§ 665.817 - [Reserved]
§ 665.818 - Exemptions for American Samoa large vessel prohibited areas.
§ 665.819 - Territorial catch and fishing effort limits.