Subpart A - Official Records  

§ 1.1 - General provisions.
§ 1.2 - Public reading rooms.
§ 1.3 - Requirements for making a records request.
§ 1.4 - Requirements for responding to records requests.
§ 1.5 - Responses to records requests.
§ 1.6 - Timing of responses to perfected records requests.
§ 1.7 - Records responsive to records requests.
§ 1.8 - Requirements for processing records requests seeking business information.
§ 1.9 - Administrative appeals.
§ 1.10 - Authentication under Departmental Seal and certification of records.
§ 1.11 - Preservation of records.
§ 1.12 - Fees and fee schedule.
§ 1.13 - Date of receipt of requests or appeals.
§ 1.14 - Appeals.
§ 1.15 - General provisions respecting release of records.
§ 1.16 - Extension of administrative deadlines.
§ 1.17 - Failure to meet administrative deadlines.
§ 1.18 - Fee schedule.
§ 1.19 - Exemptions and discretionary release.
§ 1.20 - Annual report.
§ 1.21 - Compilation of new records.
§ 1.22 - Authentication.
§ 1.23 - Records in formal adjudication proceedings.
§ 1.24 - Preservation of records.
§ 1.25 - Implementing regulations for the Office of the Secretary and the Office of Communications.
Appendix A - Fee Schedule
Appendix A to Subpart A - Fee Schedule
Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 1 - Fee Schedule