Subpart A - Servicing and Liquidation of Chattel Security  

§ 1962.1 - Purpose.
§ 1962.2 - Policy.
§ 1962.3 - Authorities and responsibilities.
§ 1962.4 - Definitions.
§ 1962.5 - [Reserved]
§ 1962.6 - Liens and assignments on chattel property.
§ 1962.7 - Securing unpaid balances on unsecured loans.
§ 1962.8 - Liens on real estate for additional security.
§ 1962.13 - Notification to potential purchasers.
§ 1962.14 - Account and security information in UCC cases.
§ 1962.15 - [Reserved]
§ 1962.16 - Accounting by County Supervisor.
§ 1962.17 - Disposal of chattel security, use of proceeds and release of lien.
§ 1962.18 - Unapproved disposition of chattel security.
§ 1962.19 - Claims against Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC).
§§ 1962.20--1952.25 - [Reserved]
§ 1962.26 - Correcting errors in security instruments.
§ 1962.27 - Termination or satisfaction of chattel security instruments.
§ 1962.28 - [Reserved]
§ 1962.29 - Payment of fees and insurance premiums.
§ 1962.30 - Subordination and waiver of liens on chattel security.
§ 1962.34 - Transfer of chattel security and EO property and assumption of debts.
§ 1962.40 - Liquidation.
§ 1962.41 - Sale of chattel security or EO property by borrowers.
§ 1962.42 - Repossession, care, and sale of chattel security or EO property by the County Supervisor.
§ 1962.43 - [Reserved]
§ 1962.44 - Distribution of liquidation sale proceeds.
§ 1962.45 - Reporting sales.
§ 1962.46 - Deceased borrowers.
§ 1962.47 - Bankruptcy and insolvency.
§ 1962.48 - [Reserved]
§ 1962.49 - Civil and criminal cases.
§ 1962.50 - [Reserved]
Exhibit A to Subpart A of Part 1962 - Memorandum of Understanding Between Commodity Credit Corporation and Farmers Home Administration or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354
Exhibit B to Subpart A of Part 1962 - Memorandum of Understanding and Blanket Commodity Lien Waiver
Exhibit C to Subpart A of Part 1962 - Memorandum of Understanding Between Farmers Home Administration or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 and Commodity Credit Corporation
Exhibit E to Subpart A of Part 1962 - Releasing Security Sales Proceeds and Determining “Essential” Family Living and Farm Operating Expenses
Exhibit F to Subpart A of Part 1962
Exhibit F to Subpart A of Part 1962 - [Reserved]
§§ 1962.31--1962.33 - [Reserved]
§§ 1962.35--1962.39 - [Reserved]
§§ 1962.9--1962.12 - [Reserved]