§ 1773.1 - General.  

Latest version.
  • § 1773.1 General.

    (a) This part implements the standards for audits required by the loan contracts and grant agreements of Rural Utilities Service (RUS) electric and telecommunications borrowers and granteesawardees. The provisions in this part require auditees to prepare and furnish to RUS, at least once during each 12-month period, a full and complete report of its financial condition, operations, and cash flows, in form and substance satisfactory to RUS, audited and certified by an independent auditor , satisfactory to RUS, and accompanied by a report of such audit, in form and substance satisfactory to RUS. that meets the requirements of § 1773.5, and performed in accordance with auditing standards issued by generally accepted Government auditing standards (GAGAS) and the requirements of § 1773.7.

    (b) This part is based on the requirements of GAGAS in effect at the time of the audit and applicable RUS regulations and subpart F (Audit Requirements) of 2 CFR part 200 (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards) (2 CFR 200.500–200.521).

    (c) This part further sets forth the criteria for selecting auditors satisfactory to RUS that an auditee should use to select an auditor and certain audit procedures and audit documentation that must be performed and prepared before an audit report will be accepted by RUSby the auditor.

    (d) Failure of an auditee to provide an audit in compliance with this part is a serious violation of the RUS Security Agreementsecurity agreement. RUS relies on audited financial statements in order to assess and monitor the financial condition of its borrowers awardees and grantees and to fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities.

    (e) RUS reserves the right to suspend its acceptance of audits performed by auditors who, in the opinion of RUS, are not meeting the requirements of this part or with unresolved disputes or issues until such time that the matter can be resolved to RUS' satisfaction.

    [83 FR 19907, May 7, 2018, as amended at 88 FR 7562, Feb. 6, 2023]