§ 250.20 - Audit requirements.  

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  • § 250.20 Audit requirements.

    (a) Requirements for distributing and recipient agencies. Audit requirements for State or local government agencies and nonprofit organizations that receive Federal awards or grants (including distributing and recipient agencies under this part) are included in 2 CFR part 200, subpart F and appendix XI, Compliance Supplement, and USDA implementing regulations at 2 CFR part 400. In accordance with such regulations, the value of Federal grants or awards expended in a fiscal year determine if the distributing or recipient agency is required to obtain an audit in that year. The value of donated foods must be considered as part of the Federal grants or awards in determining if an audit is required. FNS provides guidance for distributing and recipient agencies in valuing donated foods for audit purposes, and in determining whether an audit must be obtained.

    (b) Requirements for processors. In-State processors must obtain an independent certified public accountant (CPA) audit in the first year that they receive donated foods for processing, while multi-State processors must obtain such an audit in each of the first two years that they receive donated foods for processing. After this initial requirement period, in-State and multi-State processors must obtain an independent CPA audit at a frequency determined by the average value of donated foods received for processing per year, as indicated in this paragraph (b). The value of donated foods used in determining if an audit is required must be the contract value of the donated foods, as defined in § 250.2. The audit must determine that the processor's performance is in compliance with the requirements in this part, and must be conducted in accordance with procedures in the FNS Audit Guide for Processors. All processors must pay for audits required in this paragraph (b). An in-State or multi-State processor must obtain an audit:

    (1) Annually, if it receives, on average, more than $5,000,000 in donated foods for processing per year;

    (2) Every two years, if it receives, on average, between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in donated foods for processing per year; or

    (3) Every three years, if it receives, on average, less than $1,000,000 in donated foods for processing per year.

    (c) Post-audit actions required of processors. In-State processors must submit a copy of the audit to the distributing agency for review by December 31st of each year in which an audit is required. The distributing agency must ensure that in-State processors provide a corrective action plan with timelines for correcting deficiencies identified in the audit, and must ensure that such deficiencies are corrected. Multi-State processors must submit a copy of the audit, and a corrective action plan with timelines for correcting deficiencies identified in the audit, as appropriate, to FNS for review by December 31st of each year in which an audit is required. FNS may conduct an audit or investigation of a processor to ensure correction of deficiencies, in accordance with § 250.3(b).

    (d) Failure to meet audit requirements. If a distributing agency or recipient agency fails to obtain the required audit, or fails to correct deficiencies identified in the audit, FNS may withhold, suspend, or terminate the Federal award. If an in-State processor fails to obtain the required audit, or fails to correct deficiencies identified in the audit, a distributing or recipient agency may terminate the processing agreement, and may not extend or renew such an agreement. Additionally, FNS may prohibit the further distribution of donated foods to such processor. If a multi-State processor fails to obtain a required audit, or fails to correct deficiencies identified in the audit, FNS may terminate the processing agreement. Additionally, FNS may prohibit the further distribution of donated foods to such processor.