§ 4280.315 - MDO application and submission information.  

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  • § 4280.315 MDO application and submission information.

    (a) Initial and subsequent applications. Applications shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of this subpart unless adjusted by the Agency in an annual Federal Register Notice for Solicitation of Applications (NOSA) or a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), depending on the availability of funds at the time of publication.


    document. The information required in

    this section

    §§ 4280.315 and 4280.316 is necessary for an application to be considered complete.

    (2) When preparing applications, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the scoring criteria in § 4280.316 and provide documentation that will support a competitive score.


    Only those applicants that meet the basic eligibility requirements in § 4280.310 will have their applications fully scored and considered for participation in the program under this section. When preparing applications, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the application requirements and scoring criteria in § 4280.316 and provide documentation that will support a competitive score.

    (b) Content and form of submission. The content and form requirements will differ based on the nature of the application. All applicants must provide the information specified in paragraph (c) of this section. Additional application information is required in paragraph (d) of this section depending on the type of application being submitted.

    (c) Application information for all applicants. All applicants must provide the following information and forms fully completed and with all attachments:

    (1) Standard Form-424, “Application for Federal AssistanceAssistance” for grants.

    (2) Standard Form-424A, “Budget Information - Non-construction Construction Programs.”

    (3) Standard Form-424B, “Assurances - Non-construction Programs.”


    For entities

    that are

    applying for

    more than $150,000 in loan funds and/or more than $100,000 in grant funds, only, SF LLL, “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.”

    (5) AD 1047, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transaction.”

    (6) For entities applying for

    program loan funds to become an RMAP microlender only, Form RD 1910-11, “Certification of No Federal Debt.”



    4) Form RD 400-8, “Compliance

    Review.” (8

    Review” or sufficient demographic information for Agency completion of Form RD 400-8.

    (5) Demonstration that the applicant is eligible to apply to participate in

    this program. To demonstrate eligibility, applicants must submit documentation that the applicant is an MDO as defined in § 4280.302, as

    the program by submission of documentation as follows:

    (i) If a nonprofit entity, evidence that the applicant organization meets the citizenship requirements

    ; (ii) If a nonprofit entity, a

    and a copy of the applicant's bylaws and articles of incorporation, which include evidence that the applicant is legally considered a non-profit organization;



    ii) If an Indian tribe, evidence that the applicant is a


    federally recognized Indian tribe, and that the Indian tribe neither operates nor is currently served by an existing MDO;



    iii) If a public institution of higher education, evidence that the applicant is a public institution of higher education; and



    iv) For nonprofit applicants only, a Certificate of Good Standing, not more than six (6) months old, from the Office of the Secretary of State in the State, or tribal equivalent, in which the applicant is located. If the applicant has offices in more than one state, then the state in which the applicant is organized and licensed will be considered the home location.



    6) Certification by the applicant that it cannot obtain sufficient credit elsewhere to fund the activities called for under


    the program with similar rates and terms.


    10) Form RD 400-4, “Assurance Agreement.”

    (d) Type of application specific information. In addition to the information required under paragraph (c) of this section, the following information is also required, as applicable:

    (1) The information specified in § 4280.316(a).


    An applicant

    for status as a microlender

    with more than 3 years of experience as an MDO outside of the program seeking to participate as


    an RMAP microlender must provide

    the additional information specified in § 4280.316(b). Such an applicant will be applying for a loan to capitalize an RMRF, which, unless otherwise requested by the applicant, will be accompanied by a microlending TA grant. (3) An applicant for status as a microlender

    sufficient documentation to validate its years of experience.

    (2) An applicant with 3 years or less experience as an MDO outside of the program seeking to participate as


    an RMAP microlender must provide the additional information specified in § 4280.316(c).

    Such an applicant will be applying for a loan to capitalize an RMRF, which, unless otherwise requested by the applicant, will be accompanied by a microlending TA grant. (4) All applicants

    (3) An applicant seeking status as a microlender must identify in


    its application which cost-share option(s) the applicant will utilize, as described in § 4280.311(d), to meet the Federal cost-share requirement. If the applicant will utilize the RMRF-level option, the applicant shall identify the amount(s) and source(s) of the non-Federal share.



    4) An applicant seeking TA-only grant


    funds must provide the additional information specified in § 4280.316(d).

    (e) Application limits. Paragraph (d) of this section sets out three types of funding under which applications may be submitted. MDOs may Microenterprise Development Organizations may only submit and have pending for consideration , one application at any given time, one application, regardless of funding categorywhich is for either microlender funds or TA-only funds.

    (f) Completed applications. Applications that fulfill the requirements specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section will be fully reviewed, scored, and ranked by the Agency in accordance with the provisions of § 4280.316.

    [75 FR 30145, May 28, 2010, as amended at 75 FR 41696, July 19, 2010]