§ 905.52 - Issuance of regulations.  

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  • § 905.52 Issuance of regulations.

    (a) Whenever the Secretary shall find from the recommendations and reports of the committee, or from other available information, that to limit the shipment of any variety would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall so limit the shipment of such variety during a specified period or periods. Such regulations may:

    (1) Limit the shipments of any grade or size, or both, of any variety, in any manner as may be prescribed, and any such limitation may provide that shipments of any variety grown in Regulation Area II shall be limited to grades and sizes different from the grade and size limitations applicable to shipments of the same varieties grown in Regulation Area I: Provided, That whenever any such grade or size limitation restricts the shipment of a portion of a specified grade or size of a variety the quantity of such grade or size that may be shipped by a handler during a particular week shall be established as a percentage of the total shipments of such variety by such handler in such prior period established by the committee with the approval of the Secretary, in which he shipped such variety.

    (2) Limit the shipment of any variety by establishing and maintaining, only in terms of grades or sizes, or both, minimum standards of quality and maturity;

    (3) Limit the shipment of the total quantity of any variety by prohibiting the shipment thereof: Provided, that no such prohibition shall apply to exports or be effective during any fiscal period with respect to any variety other than for one period not exceeding five days during the week in which Thanksgiving Day occurs, and for not more than two periods not exceeding a total of 14 days during the period December 20 to January 20, both dates inclusive.

    (4) Establish, prescribe, and fix the size, capacity, weight, dimensions, marking (including labels and stamps), or pack of the container or containers which may be used in the packaging, transportation, sale, shipment, or other handling of fruit.

    (5) Provide requirements that may be different for the handling of fruit within the production area, the handling of fruit for export, or for the handling of fruit between the production area and any point outside thereof within the United States.

    (6) Any regulations or requirements pertaining to intrastate shipments shall not be implemented unless Florida statutes and regulations regulating such shipments are not in effect.

    (b) Prior to the beginning of any such regulations, the Secretary shall notify the committee of the regulation issued by him, and the committee shall notify all handlers by mailing a copy thereof to each handler who has filed his address with said committee for this purpose.

    (c) Whenever the Secretary finds from the recommendations and reports of the committee, or from other available information, that a regulation should be modified, suspended, or terminated with respect to any or all shipments of fruit in order to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall so modify, suspend, or terminate such regulation. If the Secretary finds that a regulation obstructs or does not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall suspend or terminate such regulation. On the same basis, and in like manner, the Secretary may terminate any such modification or suspension.

    (d) Whenever any variety is regulated pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this section, no such regulation shall be deemed to limit the right of any person to sell, contract to sell, or export such variety but no handler shall otherwise ship any fruit of such variety which was prepared for market during the effective period of such regulation.

    [22 FR 10734, Dec. 27, 1957. Redesignated at 26 FR 12751, Dec. 30, 1961, as amended at 34 FR 12427, July 30, 1969; 42 FR 59370, Nov. 17, 1977; 54 FR 37292, Sept. 8, 1989; 81 FR 10455, Mar. 1, 2016]