§ 944.503 - Table Grape Import Regulation 4.  

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  • § 944.503 Table Grape Import Regulation 4.


    (1) Pursuant to section 8e of the Act and Part 944—Fruits, Import Regulations, and except as provided in paragraphs (a)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this section, the importation into the United States of any variety of Vinifera species table grapes, except Emperor, Calmeria, Almeria, and Ribier varieties, is prohibited unless such grapes meet the minimum grade and size requirements established in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.

    (i) U.S. No. 1 Table, as set forth in the United States Standards for Grades of Table Grapes (European or Vinifera Type 7 CFR 51.880 through 51.914), with the exception of the tolerance percentage for bunch size when packed in individual consumer clamshell packages weighing 5 pounds or less: not more than 20 percent of the weight of such containers may consist of single clusters weighing less than one-quarter pound, but with at least five berries each; or

    (ii) U.S. No. 1 Institutional, with the exception of the tolerance percentage for bunch size. Such tolerance shall be 33 percent instead of 4 percent as is required to meet U.S. No. 1 Institutional grade. Grapes meeting these quality requirements may be marked “DGAC No. 1 Institutional” but shall not be marked “Institutional Pack.”

    (iii) Grapes of the Perlette variety shall meet the minimum berry size requirement of ten-sixteenths of an inch, and

    (iv) Grapes of the Flame Seedless variety shall meet the minimum berry size requirement of ten-sixteenths of an inch (1.5875 centimeters) and shall be considered mature if the juice meets or exceeds 16.5 percent soluble solids, or the juice contains not less than 15 percent soluble solids and the soluble solids are equal to or in excess of 20 parts to every part acid contained in the juice, in accordance with applicable sampling and testing procedures specified in sections 1436.3, 1436.5, 1436.6, 1436.7, 1436.12, and 1436.17 of Article 25 of Title 3: California Code of Regulations (CCR).

    (2) Such minimum maturity standards are incorporated by reference, copies of which are available from Ronald L. Cioffi, Chief, Marketing Order Administration Branch, F&V, AMS, USDA, Washington, DC 20090-6456, telephone (202) 720–2491. They are also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register. These materials are incorporated as they exist on the date of approval and a notice of any change in these materials will be published in the Federal Register.

    (3) All regulated varieties of grapes offered for importation shall be subject to the grape import requirements contained in this section effective April 10 through July 10.

    (b) The Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, F&V, AMS, USDA, is designated as the governmental inspection service for certifying the grade, size, quality, and maturity of table grapes that are imported into the United States. Inspection by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service with evidence thereof in the form of an official inspection certificate, issued by the respective service, applicable to the particular shipment of table grapes, is required on all imports. The inspection and certification services will be available upon application in accordance with the rules and regulations governing inspection and certification of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products (7 CFR part 51) and in accordance with the Procedure for Requesting Inspection and designating the Agencies to Perform Requested Inspection and Certification (7 CFR 944.400).

    (c) The term importation means release from custody of the United States Customs ServiceU.S. Customs and Border Protection.

    (d) Any lot or portion thereof which fails to meet the import requirements, and is not being imported for purposes of processing or donation to charitable organizations, prior to or after reconditioning may be exported or disposed of under the supervision of the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service with the costs of certifying the disposal of said lot borne by the importer.

    (e) The grade, size, quality, and maturity requirements of this section shall not be applicable to grapes imported for processing or donation to charitable organizations, but shall be subject to the safeguard provisions contained in § 944.350.

    [51 FR 12502, Apr. 11, 1986, as amended at 51 FR 13209, Apr. 18, 1986; 52 FR 31979, Aug. 25, 1987; 53 FR 22128, June 14, 1988; 58 FR 21537, Apr. 22, 1993; 58 FR 69186, Dec. 30, 1993; 59 FR 67619, 67620, Dec. 30, 1994; 60 FR 33681, June 29, 1995; 63 FR 28480, May 26, 1998; 69 FR 18801, Apr. 9, 2004; 74 FR 3419, Jan. 21, 2009; 74 FR 11277, Mar. 17, 2009; 75 FR 17034, Apr. 5, 2010; 80 FR 68424, Nov. 5, 2015; 81 FR 24459, Apr. 26, 2016; 88 FR 82233, Nov. 24, 2023]