§ 51.22 - Payment to owners for goats, sheep, and horses destroyed.  

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  • § 51.22 Payment to owners for goats, sheep, and horses destroyed.

    (a) The Administrator may authorize the payment of Federal indemnity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to any owner whose goats, sheep, or horses are destroyed after having been approved for destruction by APHIS.[1] /> Goats or sheep must be destroyed as part of a whole herd/flock depopulation to be eligible for Federal indemnity.

    (b) The amount of Federal indemnity will be determined in accordance with the regulations in this part that were in effect on the date infected animals were found, or the date that the whole-herd/flock depopulation or destruction of individual animals was approved.

    (c) Prior to payment of indemnity, proof of destruction must be furnished to the Veterinarian in Charge.