Appendix A to Part 2  

Latest version.
  • The following statement of general policy and procedure explains in detail the procedures which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission expects to be followed by atomic safety and licensing boards in the conduct of proceedings relating to the issuance of construction permits for nuclear power and test reactors and other production or utilization facilities for which a hearing is mandatory under section 189a of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act) and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974. 1 The provisions are also applicable to proceedings for the issuance of operating licenses for such facilities, except as the context would otherwise indicate, or except as indicated in section VIII. Section VIII sets out the procedures specifically applicable to operating license proceedings. The Statement reflects the Commission's intent that such proceedings be conducted expeditiously and its concern that its procedures maintain sufficient flexibility to accommodate that objective. This position is founded upon the recognition that fairness to all the parties in such cases and the obligation of administrative agencies to conduct their functions with efficiency and economy, require that Commission adjudications be conducted without unnecessary delays. These factors take on added importance in nuclear power reactor licensing proceedings where the growing national need for electric power and the companion need for protecting the quality of the environment call for decision making which is both sound and timely. The Commission expects that its responsibilities under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other applicable statutes, as set out in the statement which follows, will be carried out in a manner consistent with this position in the overall public interest.

    Atomic safety and licensing boards are appointed from time to time by the Commission or the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel to conduct hearings in licensing cases under the authority of section 191 of the Act. Section 191 authorizes the Commission to establish one or more atomic safety and licensing boards to conduct public hearings and to make intermediate or final decisions in administrative proceedings relating to granting, suspending, revoking or amending licenses issued by the Commission. It requires that each board consist of one member who is qualified in the conduct of administrative proceedings and two members who have such technical or other qualifications as the Commission deems appropriate to the issues to be decided. Members of each board may be appointed by the Commission or by the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel from a panel selected from private life, the staff of the Commission or other Federal agencies.

    An Atomic Safety and Licensing Board may at its discretion appoint special assistants to the Board from the membership of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel established by the Commission. These special assistants are to be employed to facilitate the hearing process and improve the quality of the record produced for review. The special assistants may serve as technical interrogators in their individual fields of expertise, alternate Atomic Safety and Licensing Board members to sit with the Board and participate in the evidentiary sessions on the issue for which the alternate members were designated, Special Masters to hear evidentiary presentations by the parties on specific technical matters upon the consent of all parties, or informal consultants to brief the board prior to the hearing on the general technical background of subjects involving complex issues. The term “alternate board member” as a “special assistant” within the meaning of 10 CFR 2.722(a)(3) should not be confused with the use of the term “alternate” in 10 CFR 2.721(b). In the latter situation the “alternate” is a substitute for a member of a Board who becomes unavailable. As a special assistant, the “alternate” sits with the three-member Board and not instead of the Board or any of its members.

    I. Preliminary Matters

    (a) A public hearing is announced by the issuance of a notice of hearing, published in the Federal Register as soon as practicable after the application has been docketed, signed by the Secretary of the Commissionstating the nature of the hearing and the issues to be considered. The time and place of the first prehearing conference pursuant to § 2.751a will ordinarily be stated in the notice of hearing. Unless the initial notice of hearing states the time and place of the hearing, and the Chairman and other members of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board that will conduct the hearing, those matters will be the subject of further notice in the Federal Register after publication of the initial notice of hearing. It is the Commission's policy and practice to begin the evidentiary hearing in the vicinity of the site of the proposed facility. The notice of hearing also states the procedures whereby persons may seek to intervene or make a limited appearance and explains the differences between those forms of participation in the proceeding, and states the times and places of the availability, in an appropriate office near the site of the proposed facility, of the notice of hearing, an updated copy of the application, the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), the staff safety evaluation, the applicant's environmental report, the Commission's environmental impact statement, the proposed construction permit or operating license and the transcripts of the prehearing conference and the hearing.

    (b) In fixing the time and place of any conference, including prehearing conferences, or of any adjourned session of the evidentiary hearing, due regard shall be had for the convenience and necessity of the parties, petitioners for leave to intervene, or the representatives of such persons, as well as of the Board members, the nature of such conference or adjourned session, and the public interest. Adjourned sessions of hearings may be held in the Washington, DC area if all parties so stipulate. If the parties disagree, and any party considers that there are valid reasons for holding such session in the Washington, DC area, the matter should be referred to the Commission for resolution.

    (c)(1) The Commission or the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board may, consider on their own initiative, or a party may request the Commission or the board to consider, a particular issue or issues separately from, and prior to, other issues relating to the effect of the construction and/or operation of the facility upon the public health and safety, the common defense and security, and the environment or in regard to antitrust considerations. If the Commission or the Board determines that a separate hearing should be held, the notice of hearing or other appropriate notice will state the time and place of the separate hearing on such issue or issues. The board designated to conduct the hearing will issue an initial decision, if deemed appropriate, which will be dispositive of the issue(s) considered at the hearing, in the absence of an appeal or Commission review pursuant to § 2.760, before the hearing on, and consideration of, the remaining issues in the proceeding.

    (2) In a proceeding relating to the issuance of a construction permit for a facility which is subject to the environmental impact statement requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and subpart A of part 51 of this chapter and which is a utilization facility for industrial or commercial purposes or is a testing facility, separate hearings may be held and decisions may be issued on National Environmental Policy Act and site suitability issues and other specified issues as provided by subpart F and § 2.761a.

    (d) Prior to a hearing, board members should review and become familiar with: The record of any relevant prior proceedings in the case, including initial decisions and Commission orders, the application, the ARCS report, the staff safety evaluation, the applicant's environmental report, the Commission's environmental impact statement, all other papers filed in the proceeding, the Commission's rules of practice, and other regulations or published statements of policy of the Commission as may be pertinent to the proceeding.

    (e) At any time when a board is in existence but is not actually in session, the chairman has all the powers of the board to take action on procedural matters. The chairman may have occasion, when the board is not in session, to dispose of preliminary procedural requests including, among other things, motions by parties relating to the conduct of the hearing. He may wish to discuss such requests with the other members of the board before ruling on them. No interlocutory appeal 2 may be taken by a party as a matter of right from a ruling of the chairman or the board. The board should refer the challenged ruling to the Commission for a final decision if, in its judgment, a prompt decision is necessary to prevent detriment to the public interest or unusual delay or expense. This authority should be exercised sparingly, and only when deemed essential in fairness to the parties or the public.

    II. Prehearing Conferences

    (a) A special prehearing conference will be held, within ninety (90) days after the notice of hearing has been published, or such other time as the Commission or the Board may deem appropriate, in addition to the standard prehearing conference provided by § 2.752. The special prehearing conference, authorized by § 2.751a, should be used to permit identification of key issues; take steps necessary for further identification of the issues; consider all intervention petitions to allow preliminary or final determination as to the parties; and establish a schedule for further actions in the proceeding.

    (b) Within sixty (60) days after discovery has been completed, 3 or such other time as the presiding officer or the Commission deems appropriate, a second prehearing conference—the prehearing conference provided by § 2.752—is held to consider simplification, clarification, and specification of the issues; consider amendments to the pleadings; obtain stipulations and admissions of facts and of the contents and authenticity of documents to avoid unnecessary proof; identification of witnesses; the setting of a hearing schedule; and such other matters as may aid in the orderly disposition of the hearing.

    (c) A transcript of each prehearing conference will be prepared. The board will issue an order after the conclusion of the special prehearing conference which recites the action taken at the conference and agreements by the parties, identifies the key issues in controversy, makes a preliminary or final determination as to the parties, and provides for submission of status reports on discovery by the parties. The board will also issue an order after the conclusion of the second prehearing conference that specifies the issues in controversy in the proceeding. Each order shall be served upon all parties to the proceeding. Objections to such order may be filed by a party within five (5) days, or, in the case of the staff, within ten (10) days. The board may revise the order in the light of the objections presented and, as permitted by § 2.718(i), may certify for determination to the Commission such matters raised in the objections as it deems appropriate. As specified in § 2.752, the order shall control the subsequent course of the proceeding unless modified for good cause.

    (d) Prehearing conferences are open to the public except under exceptional circumstances involving such matters as classified information and certain privileged information not normally a part of the hearing record.

    (e) The applicant, the staff and other parties are required to provide each other and the board with copies of prepared testimony in advance of its being offered at the hearing. A schedule may be established at the second prehearing conference for exchange of prepared testimony. Prepared testimony is filed in the Commission's public document room and is available for public inspection. When the staff has reached its conclusions with respect to the application and prepared a safety evaluation, the safety evaluation will be made available—a point of time which may or may not be prior to the hearing.

    III. Intervention and Limited Appearances

    (a)(1) As required by § 2.714, a person who wishes to intervene must set forth, in a petition for leave to intervene, his interest in the proceeding and how the interest may be affected by Commission action. Petitions for leave to intervene shall, as a basis for enabling the board or the Commission to determine how the petitioner's interest may be affected by the proceeding, set forth (i) the nature of his right under the Act to be made a party to the proceeding, (ii) the nature and extent of the interest that may be affected by the proceeding, and (iii) the effect of any order which may be entered in the proceeding on the petitioner's interest. The petition must identify the specific aspects as to which the petitioner wishes to intervene and set forth with particularity the facts pertaining to his interest. The petitioner must file a supplement to his petition containing his contention(s) and basis therefor not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the holding of the special prehearing conference pursuant to § 2.751a. After consideration of any answers to the petition, the board will rule on the petition. If the board finds that the petitioner's interest is limited to one or more of the issues in the proceeding, the intervenor's participation will be limited to those issues.

    Petitions and supplements thereto which set forth contentions relating only to matters outside the jurisdiction of the Commission will be denied. In any event, the granting of a petition for leave to intervene does not operate to enlarge the issues, or become a basis for receipt of evidence, with respect to matters beyond the jurisdiction of the Commission.

    (2) Petitions for leave to intervene which are not filed within the time specified in the notice of hearing will not be granted unless the board determines that the petition should be granted based upon paragraph (a)(1) of this section and upon a balancing of (i) good cause, if any, for petitioner's failure to file on time, (ii) the availability of other means whereby the petitioner's interest will be protected, (iii) the extent to which petitioner's participation may reasonably be expected to assist in developing a sound record, (iv) the extent to which petitioner's interest will be represented by existing parties, and (v) the extent which the petitioner's participation will broaden the issues or delay the proceedings.

    (3) Those permitted to intervene become parties to the proceeding, subject to any limitations in the order granting leave to intervene, and have all the rights of the applicant to participate fully in the conduct of the hearing, such as the examination and cross-examination of witnesses, with respect to their contentions related to the matters at issue in the proceeding.

    (4) If more than one person who has been granted leave to intervene has substantially the same kind of interest that may be affected by the proceeding, and raises the same basic questions, the board or the Commission may order those persons to consolidate their presentation of evidence, cross-examination, briefs, proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and argument, unless such consolidation cannot be accomplished without prejudice to the rights of a party.

    (b) A person who does not wish to, or is not qualified to become a party may be permitted at the discretion of the board, to make a limited appearance pursuant to § 2.715. Persons permitted to make limited appearances do not become parties, but should be permitted to make statements at such stage of the proceeding as the board may consider appropriate. A person making a limited appearance may only make an oral or written statement on the record, and may not participate in the proceeding in any other way. The board may wish to limit the length of oral statements. A member of the public does not have the right to participate unless he has been granted the right to intervene as a party or the right of limited appearance for the purpose of making a statement.

    IV. Discovery

    (a) Once the key issues in controversy are identified in the special prehearing conference order (§ 2.751a.(d)), discovery may proceed and will be limited to those matters. In no event should the parties be permitted to use discovery procedures to conduct a “fishing expedition” or to delay the proceeding.

    (b) Under the Commission's rules of practice, discovery permitted by §§ 2.720, 2.740, 2.740a, 2.740b, 2.741, 2.742, and 2.744 must be completed by the second prehearing conference, except upon leave for good case shown.

    (c) Depositions, interrogatories and document production between parties other than the staff are obtainable on notice or request to the other party and without leave of the Commission or the board, in line with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

    (d) In general, staff documents that are relevant to a proceeding will be publicly available as a matter of course unless there is a compelling justification for their nondisclosure. Therefore, document discovery directed at the staff will be restricted, as provided in § 2.744, since most staff documents will be publicly available and should reasonably disclose the basis for the staff's position. Formal discovery of documents against the staff will be limited to cases where it concerns a matter necessary to a proper decision in a case and the information sought is not obtainable elsewhere. Discovery as a legitimate means of obtaining information will not be inhibited, but in view of the comprehensive body of information routinely available without request, there should be minimum need to resort to time consuming discovery procedures. Discovery against the staff (and other NRC personnel, including consultants) by way of deposition is permitted upon a showing of exceptional circumstances. Interrogatories may be addressed to the staff where the information is necessary to proper decision in the case and not obtainable elsewhere.

    V. The Hearing

    The board should use its powers under §§ 2.718 and 2.757 to assure that the hearing is focused upon the matters in controversy among the parties and that the hearing process for the resolution of controverted matters is conducted as expeditiously as possible, consistent with the development of an adequate decisional record.

    The following procedures should be observed in the conduct of public hearings:

    (a) Preliminary:

    (1) A verbatim transcript will be made of the hearing.

    (2) The Chairman should convene the hearing by stating the title of the proceeding and describing its nature.

    (3) He should state the date, time, and place at which the prehearing conferences were held, and identify the persons participating in them. He should summarize the second prehearing conference order.

    (4) He should explain the procedures for the conduct of the hearing. He should request that counsel for the parties identify themselves on the record, and provide them with the opportunity to make opening statements of their respective positions.

    (5) He should describe, for the benefit of members of the public who may be present, the respective roles of the board, the ACRS and the staff, and the Commission procedures for review of the decision. He should also describe the continuing review and inspection surveillance conducted by the Commission after a construction permit or an operating license has been issued.

    (b)(1) The Chairman should call attention to the provisions of § 2.715 for participation by limited appearance. He should briefly explain these provisions and the rights of persons who are permitted to make limited appearances.

    (2) The Chairman should inquire of those in attendance whether there are any who wish to participate in the hearing by limited appearance.

    (3) Should any person seek leave to intervene when the hearing has been convened, he must set forth, with particularity in a written petition, the reasons why it was not possible to file a petition within the time prescribed in the notice of hearing, as described in section III, to afford a basis for the board to determine whether or not good cause has been shown for the untimely filing. In granting a petition for leave to intervene which is not timely filed, the board will impose such conditions as are appropriate to minimize any delay in the proceeding.

    (4) A person making a limited appearance may want not only to state his position, but to raise questions which he would like to have answered. This should be permitted to the extent the questions are within the scope of the proceeding as defined by the issues set out in the notice of hearing, the prehearing conference order, and any later orders. Usually such persons should be asked to make their statements and raise their questions early in the proceeding so that the board will have an opportunity to be sure that relevant and meritorious questions are properly dealt with during the course of the hearing.

    (5) It is the Commission's view that the rules governing intervention and limited appearances are necessary in the interest of orderly proceedings. The Commission also believes that through these two methods of public participation all members of the public are assured of the right to participate by a method appropriate to their interest in the matter. This should be fully explained at the beginning of the hearing. In some cases the board may feel that it must deny an application to intervene but that it can still accommodate the desire of the person involved by allowing him to make a statement and raise questions under the limited appearance rule.

    (6) Boards have considerable discretion as to the manner in which they accommodate their conduct of the hearing to local public interest and the desires of local citizens to be heard. Particularly in cases where it is evident that there is local concern as to the safety of the proposed plant, boards should so conduct the hearing as to give appropriate opportunity for local citizens to express their views, while at the same time protecting the legal interests of all parties and the public interest in an orderly and efficient licensing process.

    (7) In some cases, argument and further hearing can add nothing to the filings of the parties. In those cases the board is authorized, pursuant to § 2.749, on motion, to render a decision, if the filings in the proceeding and other materials show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact. However, in proceedings involving construction permits, this procedure may be used only for determining subordinate issues and not the ultimate issue as to whether the construction permit should be issued.

    (c) Opening statements:

    (1) It is anticipated that the applicant, who has the burden of proof, will, at an appropriate time early in the proceeding, make an oral statement describing in terms that will be readily understood by the public, the principal safety and environmental considerations involved in carrying out the activity sought to be authorized.

    (2) Other parties to the proceeding may also make an oral opening statement describing their position on the proposed licensing action.

    (d) Evidence:

    (1) Pursuant to § 2.732, the applicant has the burden of proof.

    (2) The parties are required to submit direct testimony in written form and serve copies of such prepared written testimony on all parties pursuant to the schedule established at the second prehearing conference—in any event, at least 15 days in advance of the session of the hearing at which such testimony is to be presented, as provided by § 2.743(b), unless the board orders otherwise on the basis of objections presented. The staff's position is reflected primarily in the safety evaluation and final environmental impact statement. Consequently, the staff will not present its case until these documents are available. The use of such advance written testimony is expected to expedite the hearing process.

    (3) The testimony of all witnesses will be given under oath. These witnesses may be collectively sworn at the opening of the hearing or if additional witnesses are called upon to testify at a subsequent stage they may be sworn at the time of their appearance. There is ordinarily no need for oral recital of prepared testimony unless the Board considers that some useful purpose will be served.

    (4) The proceedings should be conducted as expeditiously as practicable, without impairing the development of a clear and adequate record. The order of presenting testimony may be freely varied in the conduct of the hearing. The Board may find it helpful to take expert testimony from witnesses on a roundtable basis after the receipt in evidence of prepared testimony.

    (5) To prevent unnecessary delays and an unnecessarily large record, the Board may, pursuant to § 2.757, limit cumulative testimony, strike argumentative, repetitious, cumulative, or irrelevant evidence, take other necessary and proper steps to prevent argumentative, repetitious or cumulative cross examination, and impose appropriate time limitations on arguments.

    (6) Documentary evidence may be offered in evidence as provided in § 2.743. Such evidence offered during the course of the hearing should be described by counsel, and furnished to the reporter for marking. Documents offered for marking should be numbered in order of receipt. On identification of a document, it may be offered in evidence.

    (7) Objections may be made by counsel to any questions or any line of questioning, and to the admission of any document and should be ruled upon by the board. The board may admit the evidence, may sustain the objection, or may receive the evidence, reserving for later determination the question of admissibility. In passing on objections, the board, while not bound to view proferred evidence according to its admissibility under strict application of the rules of evidence in judicial proceedings, should exclude evidence that is irrelevant to issues in the case as defined in the notice of hearing or the prehearing conference order, or that pertains to matters outside the jurisdiction of the board or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Irrelevant material in prepared testimony submitted in advance under § 2.743(b) may be subject to a motion to strike under the procedures provided in § 2.730.

    (8) Use of scientifically or technically trained persons who are not attorneys to conduct direct or cross-examination on behalf of a party is provided for in § 2.733. This procedure is a privilege, not a right, and may be granted to further the conduct of the hearing. Before permitting such a person to conduct examination of witnesses, the board must determine (i) that he has technical or scientific qualifications, (ii) that he has read the written testimony and any documents which are to be the subject of his examination, and (iii) that he has prepared himself to conduct a meaningful and expeditious examination. Permission to conduct examination will be limited to the areas in which the interrogator is shown to be qualified. The party on whose behalf the interrogator conducts the examination and his attorney are responsible for the interrogator's conduct of examination or cross-examination.

    (9) The extent to which challenges to NRC regulations can be made in a licensing proceeding is limited. A party may petition for waiver of or exception to the application of a specified NRC rule or regulation to an aspect of the subject matter of the proceeding. The party must file a petition and an affidavit that identifies the specific aspect of the subject matter of the proceeding as to which application of the rule or regulation would not serve the purpose for which the regulation was adopted and that sets forth with particularity the special circumstances alleged to justify a waiver or exception on that ground (§ 2.758). Upon a finding by the board, based on the petition and affidavits and any material submitted by other parties, that the party has not made a prima facie case, no evidence, discovery, or argument will be allowed on the matter. If the Board finds that such a showing has been made, it will certify the matter, without ruling, directly to the Commission for a determination as to whether the application of the regulation to a particular aspect of the subject matter of the proceeding should be waived or an exception made.

    (10) The Commission has recognized the public interest in achieving fair and reasonable settlement of contested proceedings (§ 2.759). Therefore, to the extent not inconsistent with the Act, fair and reasonable settlements are encouraged, either as to particular issues in a proceeding or the entire proceeding.

    (11) Unless testimony is being taken on a roundtable basis or there is some occasion for clarification of testimony as rendered, the board may wish to reserve its questions until the parties have completed questioning of the witnesses, since counsel for the respective parties will generally be prepared to develop the various lines of pertinent questions.

    (12) Conferences for the clarification of matters between the board and the parties, or the formulation of more meaningful questions, may be used to expedite the hearing and simplify the record. Informal conferences, including telephone conferences, should be encouraged to this end.

    (13) The board should ordinarily not adjourn the hearing once it has begun, except as the hearing may be divided into segments to permit consideration of discrete areas, such as (i) radiological health and safety or (ii) environmental impact. To the extent practicable, legal questions should be resolved prior to the hearing. If the board believes that additional information is required in the presentation of the case, it would be expected to request the applicant or other party to supplement the presentation. If a recess should prove necessary to obtain such additional evidence, the recess should ordinarily be postponed until available evidence has been received.

    (14) Many of the time limitations prescribed in part 2 were set to allow the maximum time for the parties to the proceedings to perform various activities. Where the activities covered by the limitations can be performed in less time, the time limits may be reduced by order of the board, if appropriate, where such action would not prejudice a party. Similarly, in any case in which a time limit is not set by part 2, the board should impose reasonable time limits.

    (e) Record:

    (1) The transcript of testimony and the exhibits, together with all of the papers and requests filed in a proceeding, constitute the record for decision, except to the extent that official notice is taken.

    (2) Generally speaking, a decision by a board must be made on the basis of evidence which is in the record of the proceeding. A board, however, is expected to use its expert knowledge and experience in evaluating and drawing conclusions from the evidence that is in the record. The board may also take account of and rely on certain facts which do not have to be “proved” since they are “officially noticed”; these facts do not have to be “proved” since they are matters of common knowledge. Pursuant to § 2.743(i) “official notice” may be taken of any fact of which judicial notice might be taken by the courts of the United States and of any technical or scientific fact within the knowledge of the Commission as an expert body. Each fact officially noticed must be specified in the record with sufficient particularity to advise the parties of the matters which have been noticed or brought to the attention of the parties before the final decision, and each party adversely affected by the decision must be afforded an opportunity to controvert the noticed fact. (For example, a board might take “official notice” of the fact that high level wastes are encountered mainly as liquid residue from fuel reprocessing plants.) Matters which are “officially noticed” by a board furnish the same basis for findings of fact as matters which have been placed in evidence and proved in the usual sense.

    (f) Participation by board members:

    (1) In contested proceedings, the board will determine controverted matters as well as decide whether the findings required by the Act and the Commission's regulations should be made and whether, in accordance with subpart A of part 51, the construction permit should be issued as proposed. Thus, in such proceedings, the board will determine the matters in controversy and may be called upon to make technical judgments of its own on those matters. As to matters pertaining to radiological health and safety which are not in controversy, boards are neither required nor expected to duplicate the review already performed by the staff and ACRS, and they are authorized to rely upon the testimony of the staff, the applicant, and the conclusions of the ACRS, which are not controverted by any party.

    (2) In an uncontested case, boards are neither required nor expected to duplicate the radiological safety review already performed by the staff and the ACRS and they are authorized to rely upon the testimony of the staff and the applicant, and the conclusions of the ACRS. The role of the board is not to conduct a de novo evaluation of the application, but rather to decide whether the application and the record of the proceeding contain sufficient information, and the review of the application by the Commission's staff, including the environmental review pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, has been adequate, to support the findings proposed to be made by the Director of Regulation and the issuance of the construction permit proposed by the Director of Regulation. In doing so, the board is expected to be mindful of the fact that it is the applicant, not the staff, who is the proponent of the construction permit and who has the burden of proof.

    (3) Whether the construction permit proceeding is contested or uncontested, the board will, as to environmental impact matters, (a) determine whether the requirements of section 102(2) (A), (C) and (E) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and subpart A of part 51 of this chapter have been complied with; (b) independently consider the final balance among conflicting factors contained in the record, with a view to determining the appropriate action to be taken; and (c) determine whether the construction permit should be granted, denied, or appropriately conditioned to protect environmental values.

    (4) A question may be certified to the Commission for determination when a major or novel question of policy, law or procedure is involved which cannot be resolved except by the Commission and when the prompt and final decision of the question is important for the protection of the public interest or to avoid undue delay or serious prejudice to the interests of a party. For example, a board may find it appropriate to certify novel questions as to the regulatory jurisdiction of the Commission or the right of persons to intervene.

    (g) Close of hearing:

    (1) If, at the close of the hearing, the board should have uncertainties with respect to the matters in controversy because of a need for a clearer understanding of the evidence which has already been presented, it is expected that the board would normally invite further argument from the parties—oral or written or both—before issuing its initial decision. If the uncertainties arise from lack of sufficient information in the record, it is expected that the board would normally require further evidence to be submitted in writing with opportunity for the other parties to reply or reopen the hearing for the taking of further evidence, as appropriate. If either of such courses is followed, it is expected that the applicant would normally be afforded the opportunity to make the final submission.

    (2) A board should give each party the opportunity to make a brief closing statement.

    (3) A schedule should be set by the board and recorded, either in the transcript or by written order, of the dates upon which the parties are directed by the board to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. In uncontested cases, the proposed findings will ordinarily be extremely brief. In contested proceedings, proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law submitted by the parties may be more detailed. While brevity in such submissions is encouraged, the proposed findings and conclusions should be such as to reflect the position of parties submitting them, and the technical and factual basis therefor.

    (4) The board should dispose of any additional procedural requests.

    (5) The chairman should formally close the hearing.

    VI. Posthearing Proceedings, Including the Initial Decision

    (a) A board, acting through the Chairman, should dispose of procedural requests made after the close of the hearing, including motions of the parties for correction of the transcript. Responses to requests and motions of the parties are made part of the record by issuance of written orders.

    (b) On receipt of proposed findings and conclusions from the parties, the board should prepare the initial decision. Under the Administrative Procedure Act and the Commission's regulations, the decision should include:

    (1) Findings, conclusions, and rulings, with the reasons or basis for them, on all material issues of fact, law, or discretion presented on the record;

    (2) All facts officially noticed and relied on, if any, in making the decision;

    (3) The appropriate ruling, order, or denial or relief, with the effective date and time within which a notice of appeal from the initial decision may be filed;

    (4) The time when the decision becomes final.

    (c) Issues to be decided by the board:

    (1) In a contested proceedings for the issuance of a construction permit, the board will determine the following issues:

    (i) Whether in accordance with the provisions of § 50.35(a) of this chapter:

    (a) The applicant has described the proposed design of the facility, including, but not limited to, the principal architectural and engineering criteria for the design, and has identified the major features or components incorporated therein for the protection of the health and safety of the public;

    (b) Such further technical or design information as may be required to complete the safety analysis and which can reasonably be left for later consideration, will be supplied in the final safety analysis report;

    (c) Safety features or components, if any, which requires research and development have been described by the applicant and the applicant has identified, and there will be conducted, a research and development program reasonably designed to resolve any safety questions associated with such features and components; and

    (d) On the basis of the foregoing, there is reasonable assurance that

    (1) Such safety questions will be satisfactorily resolved at or before the latest date stated in the application for completion of construction of the proposed facility, and

    (2) Taking into consideration the site criteria contained in part 100 of this chapter, the proposed facility can be constructed and operated at the proposed location without undue risk to the health and safety of the public.

    (ii) Whether the applicant is technically qualified to design and construct the proposed facility;

    (iii) Whether the applicant is financially qualified to design and construct the proposed facility;

    (iv) Whether the issuance of a permit for the construction of the facility will be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public;

    (v) Whether, with respect to the requirements of section 102(2) (A), (C) and (E) of the National Environmental Policy Act, in accordance with subpart A of part 51 of this chapter, the construction permit should be issued as proposed.

    (2) In an uncontested proceeding for the issuance of a construction permit, the board will, without conducting a de novo evaluation of the application, determine:

    (i) Whether the application and the record of the proceeding contain sufficient information, and the review of the application by the Commission's staff has been adequate, to support the findings proposed to be made and required by the Act for the issuance of the construction permit proposed by the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, and

    (ii) Whether the review conducted pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 has been adequate.

    (3) Regardless of whether the proceeding is contested or uncontested, the board will, in its initial decision, in accordance with subpart A of part 51 of this chapter:

    (i) Determine whether the requirements of section 102(2) (A), (C) and (E) of the National Environmental Policy Act and subpart A of part 51 of this chapter have been complied with in the proceeding;

    (ii) Independently consider the final balance among conflicting factors contained in the record of the proceeding with a view to determining the appropriate action to be taken; and

    (iii) Determine whether the construction permit should be issued, denied, or appropriately conditioned to protect environmental values.

    (d) It is expected that ordinarily a board will render its initial decision within 35 days after its receipt of proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law filed by the parties in a contested case and within 15 days after receipt of such proposed findings and conclusions in an uncontested case.

    (e) The initial decision will be transmitted to the Chief, Docketing and Service Section, Office of the Secretary, for issuance.

    (f) After the board's initial decision is issued, the entire record of the hearing, including the board's initial decision, will be sent to the Commission for review. In the course of this review, the Commission may allow the board's decision to become the final decision of the Commission, may modify a board decision, or may send the case back to the board for additional testimony on particular points or for further consideration of particular issues.

    VII. General

    (a) Two members, being a majority of the board, constitute a quorum, if one of those members is the member qualified in the conduct of administrative proceedings. The vote of a majority controls in any decision by a board, including rulings during the course of a hearing as well as formal orders and the initial decision. A dissenting member is of course, free to express his dissent and the reasons for it in a separate opinion for the record.

    (b) The Commission or the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel may designate a technically qualified alternate or an alternate qualified in the conduct of administrative proceedings, or both, for a board. The designation of an alternate is discretionary. Alternates may be designated where the Commission (or the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel) in its judgment believes that a proceeding involves factors that warrant the continuing assignment and presence of an alternate. If any alternates are designated before the hearing, they will receive copies and become familiar with the application and other documents filed by the parties prior to the start of the hearing. It is expected that an alternate will be constituted or appointed by the Commission or the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel as a member of the board in situations where a technically qualified member of the board, or the member qualified in the conduct of administrative proceedings, becomes unavailable.

    (c) Section 2.781 specifies when consultation between Commissioners or boards, on the one hand, and the staff, on the other hand, is permitted in licensing proceedings conducted under subpart G. Section 2.781 also permits a board, in the same type of proceeding, to consult with members of the panel from which the members of the board are drawn.

    VIII. Procedures Applicable to Operating License Proceedings

    (a) This section sets out certain differences in procedure from those described in sections I-VII above, which are required by the fact that the proceeding is for the issuance of an operating license rather than a construction permit. Otherwise, the provisions of sections I through VII of this statement of general policy also apply to an operating license proceeding, except as the context requires otherwise.

    (b) In an operating license proceeding the board will determine the matters in controversy among the parties, and where the board determines that a serious safety, environmental, or common defense and security matter was not raised by the parties, the board will determine such matter as being among the issues to be decided. Those issues will be specified in the notice of a hearing issued by the Commission, or in a prehearing conference order issued by the board in the exercise of its discretion during the hearing.

    The issues will be the matters in controversy among the parties or raised by the board within the purview of the following:

    (1) Whether there is reasonable assurance that construction of the facility will be substantially completed, on a timely basis, in conformity with the construction permit and the application as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission;

    (2) Whether the facility will operate in conformity with the application as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission;

    (3) Whether there is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities to be authorized by the operating license can be conducted without endangering the health and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations;

    (4) Whether the applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities to be authorized by the operating license in accordance with the Commission's regulations, except that the issue of financial qualification shall not be considered by the board if the applicant is an electric utility seeking a license to operate a utilization facility of the type described in § 50.21(b) or § 50.22.

    (5) Whether the applicable provisions of 10 CFR part 140 have been satisfied;

    (6) Whether issuance of the license will be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and

    (7) Whether, with respect to the requirements of section 102(2) (A), (C), and (E) of the National Environmental Policy Act, in accordance with subpart A of part 51, the operating license should be issued as proposed.

    (c) The board, in operating license proceedings, will make findings on the matters in controversy among the parties and any matter not raised by the parties but examined by the board in its discretion in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section and § 2.760a. Depending on the resolution of those matters, the Director of Regulation would issue, deny, or appropriately condition the operating license.

    (d) In operating license proceedings, the procedure for summary disposition of the proceeding on the pleadings described in § 2.749 may be used to determine the ultimate issue of whether the operating license should be issued.

    IX. [Reserved] X. Proceedings for the Consideration of Antitrust Aspects of Facility License Applications

    (a) Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Commission is required, with respect to applications for construction permits or operating licenses for production and utilization facilities for industrial or commercial purposes licensed under section 103, which include power reactors subject to the mandatory hearing requirements of section 189a of the Act, to follow procedures for antitrust review in section 105c of the Act. This section outlines the procedures used by the Commission to implement that section.

    (b)(1) When the antitrust information portion of an application is received and docketed for a facility construction permit under section 103 of the Act which is subject to antitrust review under section 105c, the notice of receipt of the antitrust information published in the Federal Register shall state that persons who wish to have their views on the antitrust aspects of the application considered by the NRC and presented to the Attorney General for consideration shall submit such views to the Commission within sixty (60) days after publication of the notice.

    (2) Upon receipt of the antitrust information responsive to Regulatory Guide 9.3 submitted in connection with an application for a facility operating license under section 103 of the Act, the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or the Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, shall publish in the Federal Register and in appropriate trade journals a “Notice of Receipt of Operating License Antitrust Information.” The notice shall invite persons to submit, within thirty (30) days after publication of the notice, comments or information concerning antitrust aspects of the application to assist the Director in determining, pursuant to section 105c of the Act, whether significant changes in the licensee's activities or proposed activities have occurred since completion of the previous antitrust review in connection with the construction permit application. The notice shall also state that persons who wish to have their views on the antitrust aspects of the application considered by the NRC and presented to the Attorney General for consideration should submit such views within thirty (30) days after publication of the notice to: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Attention: Chief, Antitrust and Economic Analysis Branch.

    (3) If the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or the Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, after reviewing any comments or information received in response to the published notice and any comments or information regarding the applicant received from the Attorney General, concludes that there have been no significant changes since the completion of the previous antitrust review in connection with the construction permit, a finding of no significant changes shall be published in the Federal Register, together with a notice stating that any request for reevaluation of such finding should be submitted within thirty (30) days of publication of the notice. If no requests for reevaluation are received within that time, the finding shall become the NRC's final determination. Requests for a reevaluation of the no significant changes determination shall be accepted after the date when the Director's finding becomes final but before the issuance of the OL only if they contain new information, such as information about facts or events of antitrust significance that have occurred since that date, or information that could not reasonably have been submitted prior to that date.

    (4) If, as a result of the reevaluation of the finding described above, it is determined that there have been no significant changes, the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, shall deny the request and shall publish a notice of finding of no significant changes in the Federal Register. The notice and finding become the final NRC decision thirty (30) days after being made and only in the event that the Commission has not exercised sua sponte review.

    (5) If the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or the Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, concludes that significant changes have occurred since the completion of the previous antitrust review in connection with the construction permit, then the provisions of § 2.102(d) shall apply.

    (c)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) below, the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or the Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, shall refer and transmit a copy of each application for a construction permit or an operating license for a utilization or production facility under section 103 of the Act, to the Attorney General as required by section 105c of the Act. Under that section, the Attorney General will, within a reasonable time, but in no event to exceed 180 days after receipt, render such advice to the Commission as is determined to be appropriate in regard to the finding to be made by the Commission as to whether the activities under the license would create or maintain a situation inconsistent with the antitrust laws specified in subsection 105a of the Act.

    (2) The review by the Attorney General described in paragraph (c)(1) above is not required for applications for operating licenses for production or utilization facilities under section 103 of the Act for which the construction permit was also issued under section 103, unless the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or the Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, determines, after consultation with the Attorney General and in accordance with § 2.101(e), that such review is advisable on the ground that significant changes in the licensee's activities or proposed activities have occurred subsequent to the previous review by the Attorney General and by the Commission under section 105c of the Act in connection with the construction permit.

    (d) The Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation or Director of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, as appropriate, will publish the Attorney General's advice in the Federal Register promptly upon receipt, and will make such advice a part of the record in any proceeding on antitrust matters conducted in accordance with subsection 105c(5) and section 189a of the Act. The Director of Regulation will also publish in the Federal Register a notice that the Attorney General has not rendered any such advice. The notice published in the Federal Register will also include a notice of hearing, if appropriate, or, if the Attorney General has not recommended a hearing, will state that any person whose interest may be affected by the proceeding may, pursuant to and in accordance with § 2.714, file a petition for leave to intervene and request a hearing on the antitrust aspects of the application. The notice will state that petitions for leave to intervene and requests for hearing shall be filed within 30 days after publication of the notice.

    (e) If a hearing on antitrust aspects of the application is requested, or is recommended by the Attorney General, it will generally be held separately from the hearing held on matters of radiological health and safety and common defense and security described in sections I-VIII of this appendix. The notice of hearing will fix a time for the hearing, which will be as soon as practicable after the receipt of the Attorney General's advice and compliance with section 189a of the Act and other provisions of this part. However, as permitted by subsection 105c(8) of the Act, with respect to proceedings in which an application for a construction permit was filed prior to December 19, 1970, and proceedings in which a written request for antitrust review of an application for an operating license to be issued under section 104b has been made by a person who intervened or sought by timely written notice to the Commission to intervene in the construction permit proceeding for the facility to obtain a determination of antitrust consideration or to advance a jurisdictional basis for such determination within 25 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register of notice of filing of the application for an operating license or December 19, 1970, whichever is later, the Commission may issue a construction permit or operating license, provided that the permit or license so issued contains the condition specified in § 50.55b of this chapter.

    (f) Hearings on antitrust aspects will be conducted by a presiding officer, either an Administrative Law Judge or an atomic safety and licensing board comprised of three members, one of whom will be qualified in the conduct of administrative proceedings and two of whom will have such technical or other qualifications as the Commission deems appropriate to the issues to be decided.

    (g) When the Attorney General has advised that there may be adverse antitrust aspects and recommends that a hearing be held, the Attorney General or his designee may participate as a party in the proceedings.

    (h) At the hearing, the presiding officer will give due consideration to the advice received from the Attorney General and to evidence pertaining to antitrust aspects received at the hearing.

    (i) The presiding officer will, in the initial decision, make a finding as to whether the activities under the proposed license would create or maintain a situation inconsistent with the antitrust laws as specified in section 105a of the Act. If the presiding officer finds that such a situation would be created or maintained, it will consider, in determining whether the permit or license should be issued or continued, such other factors as it deems necessary to protect the public interest, including the need for power in the affected area. The certainty of contravening the antitrust laws or the policies clearly underlying these laws is not intended to be implicit in this standard; nor is mere possibility of inconsistency. The finding will be based on reasonable probability of contravention of the antitrust laws or the policies clearly underlying these laws. The presiding officer will conclude whether, in its judgment, it is reasonably probable that the activities under the license would, when the license is issued or thereafter, be inconsistent with any of the antitrust laws or the policies clearly underlying these laws.

    (j) On the basis of the findings in the proceeding on the antitrust aspect of the application, the presiding officer may (i) authorize the issuance of the permit or license after favorable consideration of matters of radiological health and safety and common defense and security, and matters raised under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, at the hearing described in sections I-VIII of this appendix; (ii) authorize the continuation of a permit or license already issued; (iii) direct the denial of the application for the permit or license, or the rescission of a permit or license already issued; or (iv) authorize the issuance of a permit or license subject to appropriate conditions, and subject to favorable consideration of matters of radiological health and safety and common defense matters raised under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 at the hearing described in sections I-VIII of this appendix.