Appendix M to Part 52 - Standardization of Design; Manufacture of Nuclear Power Reactors; Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Reactors Manufactured Pursuant to Commission License  

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  • Section 101 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and § 50.10 of this chapter require a Commission license to transfer or receive in interstate commerce, manufacture, produce, transfer, acquire, possess, use, import, or export any production or utilization facility. The regulations in part 50 require the issuance of a construction permit by the Commission before commencement of construction of a production or utilization facility, and the issuance of an operating license before operation of the facility. The provisions of part 50 relating to the facility licensing process are, in general, predicated on the assumption that the facility will be assembled and constructed on the site at which it is to be operated. In those circumstances, both facility design and site-related issues can be considered in the initial, construction permit stage of the licensing process.

    However, under the Atomic Energy Act, a license may be sought and issued authorizing the manufacture of facilities but not their construction and installation at the sites on which the facilities are to be operated. Prior to the “commencement of construction”, as defined in § 50.10(c) of this chapter of a facility (manufactured pursuant to such a Commission license) on the site at which it is to operate—that is preparation of the site and installation of the facility—a construction permit that, among other things, reflects approval of the site on which the facility is to be operated, must be issued by the Commission. This appendix sets out the particular requirements and provisions applicable to such situations where nuclear power reactors to be manufactured pursuant to a Commission license and subsequently installed at the site pursuant to a Commission construction permit, are of the type described in § 50.22 of this chapter. It thus codifies one approach to the standardization of nuclear power reactors.

    1. Except as otherwise specified in this appendix or as the context otherwise indicates, the provisions in part 50 applicable to construction permits, including the requirement in § 50.58 of this chapter for review of the application by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards and the holding of a public hearing, apply in context, with respect to matters of radiological health and safety, environmental protection, and the common defense and security, to licenses pursuant to this appendix M to manufacture nuclear power reactors (manufacturing licenses) to be operated at sites not identified in the license application.

    2. An application for a manufacturing license pursuant to this appendix M must be submitted, as specified in § 50.4 of this chapter and meet all the requirements of §§ 50.34(a) (1)-(9) and 50.34a (a) and (b) of this chapter except that the preliminary safety analysis report shall be designated as a “design report” and any required information or analyses relating to site matters shall be predicated on postulated site parameters which must be specified in the application. The application must also include information pertaining to design features of the proposed reactor(s) that affect plans for coping with emergencies in the operation of the reactor(s).

    3. An applicant for a manufacturing license pursuant to this appendix M shall submit with his application an environmental report as required of applicants for construction permits in accordance with subpart A of part 51 of this chapter, provided, however, that such report shall be directed at the manufacture of the reactor(s) at the manufacturing site; and, in general terms, at the construction and operation of the reactor(s) at a hypothetical site or sites having characterisitics that fall within the postulated site parameters. The related draft and final environmental impact statement prepared by the Commission's regulatory staff will be similarly directed.

    4. (a) Sections 50.10 (b) and (c), 50.12(b), 50.23, 50.30(d), 50.34(a)(10), 50.34a(c), 50.35 (a) and (c), 50.40(a), 50.45, 50.55(d), 50.56 of this chapter and appendix J of part 50 do not apply to manufacturing licenses. Appendices E and H of part 50 apply to manufacturing licenses only to the extent that the requirements of these appendices involve facility design features.

    (b) The financial information submitted pursuant to § 50.33(f) of this chapter and appendix C of part 50 shall be directed at a demonstration of the financial qualifications of the applicant for the manufacturing license to carry out the manufacturing activity for which the license is sought.

    5. The Commission may issue a license to manufacture one or more nuclear power reactors to be operated at sites not identified in the license application if the Commission finds that:

    (a) The applicant has described the proposed design of and the site parameters postulated for the reactor(s), including, but not limited to, the principal architectural and engineering criteria for the design, and has identified the major features of components incorporated therein for the protection of the health and safety of the public.

    (b) Such further technical or design information as may be required to complete the design report and which can reasonably be left for later consideration, will be supplied in a supplement to the design report.

    (c) Safety features or components, if any, which require research and development have been described by the applicant and the applicant has identified, and there will be conducted a research and development program reasonably designed to resolve any safety questions associated with such features of components; and

    (d) On the basis of the foregoing, there is reasonable assurance that (i) such safety questions will be satisfactorily resolved before any of the proposed nuclear power reactor(s) are removed from the manufacturing site and (ii) taking into consideration the site criteria contained in part 100 of this chapter, the proposed reactor(s) can be constructed and operated at sites having characteristics that fall within the site parameters postulated for the design of the reactor(s) without undue risk to the health and safety of the public.

    (e) The applicant is technically and financially qualified to design and manufacture the proposed nuclear power reactor(s).

    (f) The issuance of a license to the applicant will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.

    (g) On the basis of the evaluations and analyses of the environmental effects of the proposed action required by subpart A of part 51 of this chapter and paragraph 3 of this appendix, the action called for is the issuance of the license.

    Note: When an applicant has supplied initially all of the technical information required to complete the application, including the final design of the reactor(s), the findings required for the issuance of the license will be appropriately modified to reflect that fact.

    6. Each manufacturing license issued pursuant to this appendix will specify the number of nuclear power reactors authorized to be manufactured and the latest date for the completion of the manufacture of all such reactors. Upon good cause shown, the Commission will extend such completion date for a reasonable period of time.

    7. The holder of a manufacturing license issued pursuant to this appendix M shall submit to the Commission the final design of the nuclear power reactor(s) covered by the license as soon as such design has been completed. Such submittal shall be in the form of an application for amendment of the manufacturing license.

    8. The prohibition in § 50.10(c) of this chapter against commencement of construction of a production or utilization facility prior to issuance of a construction permit applies to the transport of a nuclear power reactor(s) manufactured pursuant to this appendix from the manufacturing facility to the site at which the reactor(s) will be installed and operated. In addition, such nuclear power reactor(s) shall not be removed from the manufacturing site until the final design of the reactor(s) has been approved by the Commission in accordance with paragraph 7.

    9. An application for a permit to construct a nuclear power reactor(s) which is the subject of an application for a manufacturing license pursuant to this appendix M need not contain such information or analyses as have previously been submitted to the Commission in connection with the application for a manufacturing license, but shall by §§ 50.34(a) and 50.34a of this chapter, sufficient information to demonstrate that the site on which the reactor(s) is to be operated falls within the postulated site parameters specified in the relevant manufacturing license application.

    10. The Commission may issue a permit to construct a nuclear power reactor(s) which is the subject of an application for a manufacturing license pursuant to this appendix M if the Commission (a) finds that the site on which the reactor is to be operated falls within the postulated site parameters specified in the relevant application for a manufacturing license and (b) makes the findings otherwise required by part 50. In no event will a construction permit be issued until the relevant manufacturing license has been issued.

    11. An operating license for a nuclear power reactor(s) that has been manufactured under a Commission license issued pursuant to this appendix M may be issued by the Commission pursuant to § 50.57 and subpart A of part 51 of this chapter except that the Commission shall find, pursuant to § 50.57(a)(1), that construction of the reactor(s) has been substantially completed in conformity with both the manufacturing license and the construction permit and the applications therefor, as amended, and the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this paragraph, no application for an operating license for a nuclear power reactor(s) that has been manufactured under a Commission license issued pursuant to this appendix M will be docketed until the application for an amendment to the relevant manufacturing license required by paragraph 7 has been docketed.

    12. In making the findings required by this part for the issuance of a construction permit or an operating license for a nuclear power reactor(s) that has been manufactured under a Commission license issued pursuant to this appendix, or an amendment to such a manufacturing license, construction permit, or operating license, the Commission will treat as resolved those matters which have been resolved at an earlier stage of the licensing process, unless there exists significant new information that substantially affects the conclusion(s) reached at the earlier stage or other good cause.