Chapter III—Department of Energy  

Part 706 - Security Policies and Practices Relating to Labor-Management Relations
Part 707 - Workplace Substance Abuse Programs at DOE Sites
Part 708 - DOE Contractor Employee Protection Program
Part 709 - Counterintelligence Evaluation Program
Part 710 - Procedures for Determining Eligibility for Access to Classified Matter and Special Nuclear Material
Part 712 - Human Reliability Program
Part 715 - Definition of Non-Recourse Project-Financed
Part 719 - Contractor Legal Management Requirements
Part 725 - Permits for Access to Restricted Data
Part 727 - Consent for Access to Information on Department of Energy Computers
Part 733 - Allegations of Research Misconduct
Part 745 - Protection of Human Subjects
Part 760 - Domestic Uranium Program
Part 765 - Reimbursement for Costs of Remedial Action at Active Uranium and Thorium Processing Sites
Part 766 - Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund; Procedures for Special Assessment of Domestic Utilities
Part 770 - Transfer of Real Property at Defense Nuclear Facilities for Economic Development
Part 780 - Patent Compensation Board Regulations
Part 781 - DOE Patent Licensing Regulations
Part 782 - Claims for Patent and Copyright Infringement
Part 783 - Waiver of Patent Rights
Part 784 - Patent Waiver Regulation
Part 800 - Loans for Bid or Proposal Preparation by Minority Business Enterprises Seeking DOE Contracts and Assistance
Part 810 - Assistance to Foreign Atomic Energy Activities
Part 820 - Procedural Rules for DOE Nuclear Activities
Part 824 - Procedural Rules for the Assessment of Civil Penalties for Classified Information Security Violations
Part 830 - Nuclear Safety Management
Part 835 - Occupational Radiation Protection
Part 840 - Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrences
Part 850 - Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program
Part 851 - Worker Safety and Health Program
Part 860 - Trespassing on Department of Energy Property
Part 861 - Control of Traffic at Nevada Test Site
Part 862 - Restrictions on Aircraft Landing and Air Delivery at Department of Energy Nuclear Sites
Part 871 - Air Transportation of Plutonium
Part 900 - Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Electric Transmission Facilities
Part 903 - Power and Transmission Rates
Part 904 - General Regulations for the Charges for the Sale of Power from the Boulder Canyon Project
Part 905 - Energy Planning and Management Program
Part 950 - Standby Support for Certain Nuclear Plant Delays
Part 955 - Fee for Long-Term Management and Storage of Elemental Mercury Under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, as Amended
Part 960 - General Guidelines for the Preliminary Screening of Potential Sites for a Nuclear Waste Repository
Part 961 - Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste
Part 962 - Byproduct Material
Part 963 - Yucca Mountain Site Suitability Guidelines
Parts 700--705 - [Reserved]
Parts 964--999 - [Reserved]