Appendix D to Part 835 - Surface Contamination Values  

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  • Appendix D to Part 835 - Surface Contamination Values

    The data presented in appendix D are to be used in identifying the need for posting of contamination and high contamination areas in accordance with § 835.603(e) and (f) and identifying the need for surface contamination monitoring and control in accordance with §§ 835.1101 and 835.1102.

    Surface Contamination Values1 in dpm/100 cm2

    Radionuclide Removable2 4 Total (Fixed + Removable)2 3
    U-nat, U-235, U-238, and associated decay products 7 1,000 7 5,000
    Transuranics, Ra-226, Ra-228, Th-230, Th-228, Pa-231, Ac-227, I-125, I-129 20 500
    Th-nat, Th-232, Sr-90, Ra-223, Ra-224, U-232, I-126, I-131, I-133 200 1,000
    Beta-gamma emitters (nuclides with decay modes other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission) except Sr-90 and others noted above5 1,000 5,000
    Tritium and STCs6 10,000 See Footnote 6

    [58 FR 65485, Dec. 14, 1993, as amended at 63 FR 59688, Nov. 4, 1998; 72 FR 31940, June 8, 2007; 74 FR 18116, Apr. 21, 2009]